food dehydration

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    • #270423

      Does anyone have a food dehydrator? Or do you dehydrate your own foods?

      If so, has it saved you a lot of money?

      I know you can make fruit trail mixes, jerky, and dehydrate veggies for soups.

      I also know you can dehydrate for storage as well.

      What has your experience been?
      How much has it saved you overall?
      What else can you do with it?

      thanks for your input. DH and I are considering getting this as another cost saving device. We just want to make sure its worth it.

    • #414273
      Margaret K

      I have a food dehydrator. We use it for all the things you posted. We also grow some herbs & I dry those.

      We have saved a lot money doing this. Check out the thrift stores for used ones before you invest in one. Let us know what you decide.

      Good Luck.

    • #414274

      I found it cheaper to can my stuff than to dry it. I do dry my herbs but I use my car to dry them (lay them on paper in a closed car in summer and they dry perfectly !) I was going to try again this year as i need to dry my onions. DH is allergic to them but if we dry them and powder them he can handle it.

      Fresh he breaks out in horrible hives. Anyway when I tried it before my electric bill more than doubled!

    • #414279

      I’ve used my dehydrator for years. This weekend I’ve been doing large batches of onions and I also do green onions, tomato slices, mushrooms, celery, sweet peppers, herbs, carrots, rice, potatoes, and just about everything else that has water in it. Many items get ground to a powder and added to my spice/herb collection.

      Considering that many ripe foods might have been sent to the compost instead of dehydrating, I figure I’ve benefited a great deal, but I don’t know whether I would consider it a money saver. It is a food saver.

    • #414282

      @brchbell 106813 wrote:

      I found it cheaper to can my stuff than to dry it. I do dry my herbs but I use my car to dry them (lay them on paper in a closed car in summer and they dry perfectly !) I was going to try again this year as i need to dry my onions. dh is allergic to them but if we dry them and powder them he can handle it.

      fresh he breaks out in horrible hives. anyway when i tried it before my electric bill more than doubled!

      i never would have thought to put them in the car. and, best of all, that is using free energy!

      thanks for the suggestion!

    • #414283

      thanks everyone!

      Margaret- We are going to check Craigs list, and Good will first. 🙂
      Brchbell- What a good idea! In the summer here is perfect for that!

      Mcnerd- Im glad to hear someone who has used and liked theirs!

    • #414285

      @naturalmommy 106820 wrote:

      thanks everyone!

      Margaret- We are going to check Craigs list, and Good will first. 🙂

      Don’t forget about freecycle. Some people buy them and then they just compile dust in the corner. They would be happy to get them off of their hands.

    • #414308

      @d_awalker 106822 wrote:

      Don’t forget about freecycle. Some people buy them and then they just compile dust in the corner. They would be happy to get them off of their hands.

      I forgot about freecycle! Thanks!

    • #414312

      I have a very inexpensive food dehydrator that I cannot live without!!! We have dried so many different things!! The vegtables in our garden have been an excellent source too.

      We have used them to make seasonings and dips. Fruit leathers, jerky, fruit snacks….etc….it is very inexpensive this way then buying them at the grocery store where they charge anything they want!!!

    • #414313

      thanks fof. i agree… its so expensive in the stores.


    • #414409

      @naturalmommy 106847 wrote:

      I forgot about freecycle! Thanks!

      you’re welcome. i hope you are able to find one at the “right” price: free! 🙂

    • #414509

      I’ve had a dehydrator for a few years…but just recently (this Fall) started using it. I hope to use it more this year.
      I did use it to dry apples this fall…..they came out great! It is a great snack for our family and they taste fantastic.
      I do see the cost savings it can/will provide ~~ and though I utilize my freezers….I do hope to use the dehydrator more this summer/fall (especially with onions, potatos, squash, herbs and peppers).

      I had a beautiful herb garden…which will have to be replanted this year ~~ we put in an outdoor woodboiler this year…and the hose went right through my herb bed :oops:~~ I do love my fresh herbs! 😮

      Upstate NY

    • #414569

      sherlocklabs— sounds like you like yours, too! Thats great!

    • #414684

      @naturalmommy 107247 wrote:

      sherlocklabs— sounds like you like yours, too! Thats great!
      i do….it is just remembering to use it…lol. it is a new technique for me….growing up, my mother canned and froze everything (which i do enjoy doing…though the canning is my least favorite….always seems to be the hottest day of the year on canning day!!

      lol). i really do like the concept of drying items….especially some of the items that don’t particularly freeze well.

    • #414692

      makes sense….. 🙂

      I looked at the goodwill today. No luck. 🙁

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