Years ago I was a Watkins rep, and I still use their concentrated liquid
cleaner, which I believe
is a coconut oil based cleaner. I have psoriasis, and my mom got it very badly
and had to go
on chemo. I try to take extra care now to use gentle cleaners – why should you
breathe or
have rough chemicals around you? It is not cheap, but it makes a lot, I buy a
large bottle
every couple years, and use it on walls, floors, appliances, etc – I have saved
quite a bit of
money by usually forgoing the Pergo cleaner on my Pergo floors, and spraying the
cleaner (mixed with water in a spray bottle) on the floor, and wiping it clean.
I am also playing now with using Seventh Generation and Ecover products, I love
the Seventh
Generation brown paper towels for general use – they are very tough for large
jobs, and very
absorbent – great for my animals messes from one elderly dog and 2 elderly cats,
amd very
messy me!
Dennis in San Diego
Watkins products are available from your local Watkins rep, or Watkins online –
I normally
wait until products are on sale to buy anything though.