Five ways to put $50 into savings each month

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Five ways to put $50 into savings each month

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    • #276269

      Are you trying to squeak another $50 out of your budget for savings?

      Then try any of the quick and simple tips listed below and you’ll see that it’s possible to add not just $50 to savings each month but quite possibly up to $200!

      1.) Look for Recreation Instead of Entertainment – Movies, shows, concerts and theme parks are not only expensive but also only last for a few hours or one day. If you shift your thinking to recreational activities such as hiking, camping, skiing, beachcombing or low cost hobbies, you’ll find many of these activities offer a no cost or low alternative to high cost entertainment.

      2.) Go to the Library – Did you know that you can find not only movies but also DVD movies at your public library? If you are an internet fiend, you can do all your email and net surfing on the library system and even tap into fee-for-service databases for genealogy research. Don’t buy that latest book but check out the library shelves.

      With most paperback books retailing at $5 – $25 and hardcover books selling at $20 – $35, you can realize savings quickly.

      3.) Avoid the mall – Really, it might sound a bit crazy but it’s true. The whole country might decide that fringed curtains in shades of olive green are the must-have décor for this year but if you don’t go browsing then chances are those curtains won’t show up on your credit card statement a month later.

      4.) Shop the outer aisles of grocery stores – Take a good look at your grocery store. Produce, dairy, meats tend to be placed on the outer aisles with all the junk food and processed products in the center aisles. Avoid as many of those inner aisles as possible and you’ll see both your waistline and expenditures drop.

      5.) Skip the chai tea, pizza deliveries, lattes, specialty shops, and gourmet aisles – Ok, we’ve heard that speech before but we also know that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. So as Ben Franklin advised, use moderation in all things even moderation. Though, don’t deny yourself too many treats or you’ll never stick to that budget.

      How about giving two lattes a week for a savings of $24 and one pizza delivery for a savings of another $20? Start a rotation of items which break the budget and don’t give them up all at once but instead just buy some or a few on occasion as a treat instead of making each one a weekly ritual.

      5.) Set Savings Goals and be Smart! – When it comes to setting your savings goals, be SMART — Make goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and can be accomplished on a timed basis. It’s your money so have some fun with the process and above all, be creative!

    • #424877

      EXCELLENT advice !!!! And well worth incorporating for sure !! Thanks so much!

    • #424881

      Thanks for the ideas but I’ve long since gave these things up so nothing here helped us. We keep looking for things we can give up and trim away.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Five ways to put $50 into savings each month