Eating your own canned goods.

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Eating your own canned goods.

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    • #274431

      ok, as some of you know… I spent a lot of time in the early part of the year canning my veggies.

      My family and I are a little afraid to try them because of all the danger of the botulism. We were reading about it. Since it is odorless, and you cant see if something is bad, so we have a slight fear of poison.

      Now I know I canned them right (even pressurizing them at a higher weight in the pressure canner) but there is always that fear that we will get poisoned.

      how do/did you get over that fear?

      I will be canning more here soon, but I dont want to can if my family wont eat them. Seems like a total waste.

      please help me feel better about this. Thanks!

    • #423327
      now i know i canned them right (even pressurizing them at a higher weight in the pressure canner) but there is always that fear that we will get poisoned.

      how do/did you get over that fear?

      been there with you on the fear. you just have to keep telling yourself that you followed the directions and that it is safe. i would suggest opening an item, heat it up correctly and try it.

      once you try that first item and no one gets sick than you will feel so much better. it is scary because the last thing you want to do is know that you made the entire family sick, but until you actually try the food and see that all is well it will be hard to get over the fear factor.

      best to you and your family! 🙂

    • #423329

      @wilbe95 121674 wrote:

      Been there with you on the fear. You just have to keep telling yourself that you followed the directions and that it is safe. I would suggest opening an item, heat it up correctly and try it.

      Once you try that first item and no one gets sick than you will feel so much better. It is scary because the last thing you want to do is know that you made the entire family sick, but until you actually try the food and see that all is well it will be hard to get over the fear factor.

      Best to you and your family! 🙂

      you rock. Thanks so much. I know this is a real ignorant Q, but We have these canned goods that we can eat, but havent touched.

      We need to eat them.

    • #423330

      I think I would be more afraid to get sick from something served in a restaurant than from something I put up. After all you know you did everything right!!!! In a restaurant you don’t know what goes on in the kitchen or how the meat was thawed etc.


      Not trying to turn you off from restaurant food, just trying to get your fears in perspective. You did good, now ENJOY!!!!

    • #423331

      thanks. I didnt even think about that. lol.

      well, i think part of my fear is that it was my first canning experience.. i am praying i didnt leave anything out. lol i guess ill serve my beets tonight.

      :d if im not dead, and im posting tomorrow… it all turned out good. lol

    • #423332

      I never had fear from anyone in my family until I started canning beans and meats. They really sat back and had to think that one over! Finally I took some and opened it before anyone else got up and turned the canned beef and canned beans into crockpot chili to eat after church on Sunday.

      Everyone loved it and I waited a couple days to let them know it was the canned beans and canned meat they ate! Finally got them over their fear!

      We’ve had several bouts of food poisoning but all of them was from Restaurant Foods! We never think about food poisoning when we go out to eat but over 90% of food poisoning in the USA is in Restaurant foods! Never the less we all assume local health departments are keeping us safe but they rarely have time to check up on restaurants unless they are just opening up or they have a known problem.

      If you canned it correctly have no fear!


    • #423364

      thanks! We didnt have the beets last night… My hubby served the leftover yams.

      tomorrow night Ill open a fresh can of green beans that I canned.

    • #423371

      Terra, if you have read your canning book inside out and I’m sure that you have. And I know that you studied up on it before you started. Then it should be fine.

      It’s good that you are aware of the dangers of canning. Everyone should read up on it before they start. But I well say that you can’t get any fresher product than what you canned yourself.

      We don’t eat out much, because we don’t know what they have put in the food. That’s my biggest fear, is eating out. Once you’ve started canning a few times and gotten the hang of it, you’ll want to do it all the time.

      Because you know what you put in it and that it’s fresh.

    • #423377

      @naturalmommy 121673 wrote:

      Now I know I canned them right (even pressurizing them at a higher weight in the pressure canner) but there is always that fear that we will get poisoned.

      Don’t use a higher pressure since it does nothing except potentially turn some foods to mush and eliminate the nutrients. The C.

      Botulinum spore is destroyed at a sustained temperatures of 240°F which is easily achieved with the 10# pressure (11# using a dial gauge).

      Of more concern is to always use published and tested recipes that are proven to be safe.

      Enjoy your canning experience. Respect the process, don’t fear it.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Eating your own canned goods.