Earth Hour ~ Mar 28 2009

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    • #272024

      Let’s not forget, tonights the night!

      this saturday 28 march at 8.30PM (your local time) you can vote earth by switching off your lights for one hour – earth hour.

      earth hour

    • #418650

      So, how did everyone’s Earth Hour go??? I forgot that my lamppost outside doesn’t have a switch, so I had to physically go out and turn the bulb so it would go out. Was weird watching a hockey game in the dark, but that was the only thing I would not turn off, nobody can come between the men and the hockey game(although I like it too, but we have tivo if worse comes to worse).

      dh and ds thought it was bad enough watching it in the dark!!

    • #418675

      After I made this reminder, I forgot until 9:30pm, then it was too late. My bad !!!!!!!!!

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