Dumb Question

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    • #270900

      I have a coupon that expires on 2/23/09, which is today. Can I use it today? Is today the last day, or was yesterday the last day? Thanks.


    • #415764
      Melissa Burnell

      @lisa196622193 109161 wrote:

      I have a coupon that expires on 2/23/09, which is today. Can I use it today? Is today the last day, or was yesterday the last day? Thanks.


      You can use it until Midnight 2/23/09. If the cashiers give you any crap tell them that it is still 2/23!

    • #415767

      Great! Thanks so much, Liss!!


    • #415953

      nothing is a dumb question. trust me. i ask some off the wall questions, and none of them are dumb.

    • #415955

      Dumb Question

      Really the only way to learn is by asking.

      I ask some off the wall questions, and none of them are dumb

      I can really relate to this, questions are always rolling around for me as well.

    • #416063

      You might also want to check with the store you plan to use the coupon at. Some stores will accept coupons for a certain length of time after the expiration dates. There are a few stores in my area that do that.

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