I am single and try to keep it under $ 3.00 a day or about 75 a month
my actuall budget is $38 every two weeks BUT it is soooo hard to do.
unless I get real creativew and run into some great sales.
Like right now summer cookout stuff is on sale such as
hotdogs,bread,icecream,etc but I am a organic eater so it is
especially hard but I do get the least porcessed foods i can get.
I cannot belive the amout of money is spend on familys food.
i would suggest cutting out the high ticket items such as chips,soda
cookies etc that would help bring down the bill and help the kids
lose weight if they need to.
i for one am down 14#’s since jan just cutting back on crap
— In Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, “Lucy Anderson”
> $720 per month for a family of 8 has been my actual spending (3
adults, 4
> teens and 2 pre-teens, but I need to bring it down to $560.)
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