› Budget101 Discussion List Archives › Budget101 Discussion List › Diet Question(possibly sugar related)
- This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated March 13, 2009 at 8:47 pm by .
March 12, 2009 at 3:11 pm #271529
Hey guys, I have a situation here I am hoping you can help me with because the doctors have no answer
ok heres the situation
Any ideas of what type of diet I can fix for him that will help with this sugar issue? I know the obvious would be no sugar but he doesnt want to cut out all sugar unless absolutely necessary. Since he has a problem gaining weight he enjoys his cookies and brownies etc.
Any help would be appreciated
March 12, 2009 at 4:34 pm #417326
March 12, 2009 at 4:37 pm #417327
Does he eat the sweets or sugar drinks in excess? If he isn’t a diabetic sounds like his pancreas is doing what it is suppose to-filter and convert the sugar. If you overload on the sugars your body does get tired because it has to work harder to process it. Have you tried a sugar substitute? If you use the Splenda Blend it is part sugar and part substitute. Cookies and brownies will still taste the same to him only less sugar. Is he a big carb eater as well? Might just be an overload on the carbs. Sounds like he must get some exercise and doesn’t have a weight problem.
Here is an article that talks a little about food allergies, https://www.ibstreatmentcenter.com/Newsletters/LateSept2006.pdf
maybe he should get tested. -
March 12, 2009 at 4:47 pm #417331
Ok this is right up my alley! I started out really tired all the time and sleeping didn’t help. I was eating less but gaining more weight until I reached a point where I was in severe pain and couldn’t get out of bed without help. the doctors told me I had a fatty liver and mentioned a bunch of other stuff and said I was dying. this was mid-December and they told me they’d see me in a month to discuss it further oh and have a nice Christmas. My whole family took the whole list of problems they gave us and started researching. the one thing we all came back to was the fatty liver and very high Triglycerides that couldn’t even be counted. We immediately removed ALL simple sugars and starches. No sugar, honey, molasses. No white four, white rice,white potatoes, processed foods of any kind. No corn or fruit juices. 30 days later after following this diet when I reported back to the doctor they were stunned! My Triglyceride count was very low and I could run circles around all of them! I was a new person. I thought it would be hard to live this way but my whole family enjoys it much more. I’ve tried several recipe books and sites but the best book on sugar free desserts was one by Mani Niall called Sweet and Natural Baking ISBN# 0811810496 Everyone from Family reunion to Church dinners prefers my sugar free desserts from his cookbook over regular desserts! Try going sugar and starch free for 30 days to see if that changes things. if not I hope you can find a doctor who knows whats going on!
ok so let me see if I have this right. this means no sugar, only wheat flour, wheat pasta etc. He loves potatoes so are there any kind of potatoes he can eat? I am guessing Red maybe. Is there a site I can go to, to get ideas on this type of diet. I wanted to loose some weight so I guess this will help us all lol. By processed you mean boxed etc correct? How about gravy can he have gravy? I am asking this because if he can’t have gravy he is not going to like this lol
March 12, 2009 at 4:49 pm #417332
Does he eat the sweets or sugar drinks in excess? If he isn’t a diabetic sounds like his pancreas is doing what it is suppose to-filter and convert the sugar. If you overload on the sugars your body does get tired because it has to work harder to process it. Have you tried a sugar substitute? If you use the Splenda Blend it is part sugar and part substitute. Cookies and brownies will still taste the same to him only less sugar. Is he a big carb eater as well? Might just be an overload on the carbs. Sounds like he must get some exercise and doesn’t have a weight problem.
Here is an article that talks a little about food allergies, https://www.ibstreatmentcenter.com/Newsletters/LateSept2006.pdf
maybe he should get tested. -
March 12, 2009 at 4:52 pm #417333
You use it cup for cup, it is expensive.
The Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program: Diets – Weight Loss – Nutrition
The diet plan that brchbell talks about sounds like the Atkins diet. -
March 12, 2009 at 4:56 pm #417335
You use it cup for cup, it is expensive.
The Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program: Diets – Weight Loss – Nutrition
The diet plan that brchbell talks about sounds like the Atkins diet. -
March 12, 2009 at 9:23 pm #417359
@mdowdy 111568 wrote:
ok so let me see if I have this right. this means no sugar, only wheat flour, wheat pasta etc. He loves potatoes so are there any kind of potatoes he can eat? I am guessing Red maybe. Is there a site I can go to, to get ideas on this type of diet. I wanted to loose some weight so I guess this will help us all lol. By processed you mean boxed etc correct? How about gravy can he have gravy? I am asking this because if he can’t have gravy he is not going to like this lol
March 13, 2009 at 9:51 am #417404
HYPO-glycemia not hyperglycemia .. its the other side of diabeties .. same diet ..
you said he had been tested for diabetes How? Did you get the results (always tell them you want a copy, and file it at home)? were the numbers on the low end? Remember all test normal results are for the average – it doesn’t mean that that is YOUR normal. My norm temp is 97.2-6 occasionally even lower – if I run 98.6 I am SICK. (personally I think everyone should have full labs done at 18, 28, 38 etc so you know what your norms are)
sodas even gingerale which doesn’t taste sweet have lots of sugars .. again check label and how much are they drinking
Start reducing the amount of sugars and simple carbs .. Increase veggies .. Use the crockpot and make beans – add in corn or cheese to make a complete protein (not crazy with the cheese though). They will NOT cooperate if you do it all at once.
Spelt is an ancient flour its actually from biblical times. It is more like a w/w flour. You can find both spelt & w/w pastas .. It is one that takes time for some guys to accept. I found making a pasta salad with strong taste helped ie: tuna or salmon pasta salad works chicken did not ..
Make your own pancake mix add in extra grains ie oatmeal, use w/w and reg flour in the beginning, add in wheat germ, I add in extra protein powder for myself and because Bert was having issues of slump after carbs (he has a heart problem). I have been adding in a buckwheat pancake mix (he supposedly doesn’t like buckwheat – he doesn’t know I am adding it in) I picked up quinoa flakes and its going into the next batch of pancake mix, as well. Don’t forget to add in cinnamon etc to pancake mix.
I nuke raisins or currants in water, they plump up – either add direct to pancake mix or to flavored syrups.
If they are really into plain food, Quinoa is a hard one to get them to like (it has no flavor). Its also wierd looking. It can sub for rice dishes especially if you have spices etc in it. I have used in cous cous. High in protein, also fantastic if you have gluten intolerance (my middle son was brittle diabetic and allergic to almost all grains) . IMPORTANT: quinoa MUST be rinsed before cooking or its bitter
I do use sugar but not much. Until recently 5# would last about a year. Both my dh & ds are into sugar lately. I use stevia for some things, its extremely sweet so you don’t need much. If he is into sweet tea, start by adding in a bit of mint so he is used to another taste in the tea. Then start to use some stevia (I can dip a toothpick in tea, then stick in powder, shake off excess and it is more than enough for giant cup of ice tea), BTW I have not had good luck with the package stevia, it tends to get hard as a rock in time and not dissolve. It does come in liquid (that is watered down) or the green powder (I knew the guys would freak on that one), white powder.
BTW for diabetics its NOT just watch sugars its also the fats .. This means if you are making sausage gravy boil some water .. cook sausage, put in collander and run boiling water over it to get off the excess fats (great on dog food)
You can make gravy using olive oil, onions, garlic, mix of w/w flour & white (til he gets used to W/W), add in milk (*You can also use any kind of milk sub, including rice, soy & powdered creamer)
it used to be I could eat a fast meal with soda, fries and hamburger, then it became no soda, then no fries, now its no bread or it wipes me out.. But at home can eat MY hamburgers with bread (humm supposedly there is no filler in fast food but I sure react differently-but then again my HB are bigger than fast food too)
you can have many of the health issues of a diabetic too .. so ?? are:
If he had it done was it a 2 hr, 4 hr , 6 or 8 hr test? It took the 8 hour test to find out my middle son was a brittle diabetic.
Any family history of diabetes?
What is meal schedule? Is he eating 3 meals and 3 small snacks? If not this can be part of the issue. (*I know its mine) Your body needs fuel about every 3-4 hours, in small amounts not the huge meals of junk that we normally eat.
Any food allergies? How about in the family? Sugars are made from beets and sugar both – so if you have a beet allergy it can be a problem .. If you have corn allergy stay away from corn syrup. They do make a rice syrup
March 13, 2009 at 3:54 pm #417426
@HSLINKS 111667 wrote:
HYPO-glycemia not hyperglycemia .. its the other side of diabeties .. same diet ..
JUICE is super HIGH in sugars, read the label on what a serving size is then measure the amount they are drinking. Bert was going almost comatose because he had 3 orange juices at work (It took this happening at least 3 different times before he listened to me .. “well I didn’t think it would happen again it was apple juice” .. arghh )
Try swapping out coolaid to lemon water, this way you have some flavor but no food colouring or sugars ..
Start reducing the amount of sugars and simple carbs .. Increase veggies .. Use the crockpot and make beans – add in corn or cheese to make a complete protein (not crazy with the cheese though). They will NOT cooperate if you do it all at once.
Health food sections or stores will have spelt, quinoa, buckwheat (which funny enough is NOT wheat), corn pastas and combos of various others.
Make your own pancake mix add in extra grains ie oatmeal, use w/w and reg flour in the beginning, add in wheat germ, I add in extra protein powder for myself and because Bert was having issues of slump after carbs (he has a heart problem). I have been adding in a buckwheat pancake mix (he supposedly doesn’t like buckwheat – he doesn’t know I am adding it in) I picked up quinoa flakes and its going into the next batch of pancake mix, as well. Don’t forget to add in cinnamon etc to pancake mix.
Make some fancy syrups instead of the bought syrup .. Take all fruit jam/jellies etc a bit of water and nuke = Flavored syrups.
If they are really into plain food, Quinoa is a hard one to get them to like (it has no flavor). Its also wierd looking. It can sub for rice dishes especially if you have spices etc in it. I have used in cous cous. High in protein, also fantastic if you have gluten intolerance (my middle son was brittle diabetic and allergic to almost all grains) . IMPORTANT: quinoa MUST be rinsed before cooking or its bitter
Really check labels and eliminate the corn syrup/sugars as much as possible. Why do they need to add in sugars of any kind to spaghetti sauce? If the tomatoes have a bite add a bit of baking soda – it’ll foam, stir some more, more foam then stops and it sweetens it .. then add spices
BTW for diabetics its NOT just watch sugars its also the fats .. This means if you are making sausage gravy boil some water .. cook sausage, put in collander and run boiling water over it to get off the excess fats (great on dog food)
If I can’t sleep I eat a sandwich etc .. I have to balance my sugars or simple carbs with proteins ..
it used to be I could eat a fast meal with soda, fries and hamburger, then it became no soda, then no fries, now its no bread or it wipes me out.. But at home can eat MY hamburgers with bread (humm supposedly there is no filler in fast food but I sure react differently-but then again my HB are bigger than fast food too)
when was the last time he had a GTT done? (glucose tolerance test) not a pee test – this is in the lab
If he had it done was it a 2 hr, 4 hr , 6 or 8 hr test? It took the 8 hour test to find out my middle son was a brittle diabetic.
whats happening with the rest of the body? hows his heart rate? BP?
What is meal schedule? Is he eating 3 meals and 3 small snacks? If not this can be part of the issue. (*I know its mine) Your body needs fuel about every 3-4 hours, in small amounts not the huge meals of junk that we normally eat.
BTW ,, my middle son was skin and bones – I had him tested for allergies and pulled him off everything he reacted to .. within 6 months he put on 20# of good weight .. no sugars because of the brittle diabetes and lots of quinoa & rice because they were the only grains he could tolerate .. he was allergic to most veggies & fruits too .. it was awful trying to come up with meals
you may have stumbled onto part of the problem he also slumps after carbs like bread etc even if I make it. He also has a type of heart problem ( he has problems with palpitations) maybe the problem is we are searching in the wrong direction or maybe a combination of a couple. Even koolaid will do it after a while. When I make koolaid I make it with less than half the sugar it calls for. maybe we should check into allergie tests.
March 13, 2009 at 8:47 pm #417438
does he eat 3 meals? is he skipping meals? He will need snacks .. you will need to augment most snacks etc with some proteins .. its tough to play with schedule wise, since you need to balance carbs, fats, & proteins ..
I put together a snack basket with individual servings (use the package to figure it out) some snacks will still have to be finagled with I forget what kind of cracker it was but supposedly it was like 18 was a serving – no way that was right for any of us here) .. make up containers with nuts for proteins .. a small container of peanut butter and some crackers .. rice crackers are sorta a neat change .. popcorn (use air popped)
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› Budget101 Discussion List Archives › Budget101 Discussion List › Diet Question(possibly sugar related)