Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover

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      no hon, you are *not* alone. there are people in debt from all walks of life, some with more money left over than others, but still, debt is debt. stress is hard on us in so many ways, and eliminating any debt will help alleviate the amount of stress.

      it takes time.the debtdidn’t happen over night, it isn’t going to be fixed over night. i am just beginning the dave ramsey program and am reading total money makeover and also have the workbook, and so far, i like it. it will not happen fast, and i see various income levels on the program, but we all are in a similar boat striving for the same goals.

      some will get there faster than others. the main thing is to get there – no matter how long it takes. it can be done.

      you can do it! 🙂

      never give up! it is worth it, you are worth it,and you can do it.


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover