Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover

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    • #260430

      SHEILA, I have a take home pay of a little over $17,000 take a way

      the rent,pmts,car insurance,food,gas etc there isnt anything left BUT

      of course I am single and wont complin about the leftover chicken LOL

      Even On a to the bone budget I still am about $3,00 in the hole every


      I would suggest doing the snowball,take a good look at the bills and

      work them down.

      With about 900 a month going to 7 bills buy the end of two years all

      of it will go to one bill and that will quickly pay it off.

      ‘remember smaller to bigger.imagin how nice it will be to have an

      extra $900 amonth.

      Mine was just compleated on paper today and i will have everything

      paid off in JAN 2010 Not any quicker unless I put every cent of bonus

      I get and tax refund whickh of course usually goes to make it through

      the month I receive it.— In Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, Sheila

      Urban wrote:


      > Thanks Keith. I’ll look at it differently. I got myself a small

      notebook to write everything down I spend so I can see where I’m

      making my mistake.


      > Sheila


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover