Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover

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    • #260425

      Ria it was a long hard decision to buy a used vehical

      After I took in consideration the cost of repair that was averaging $200 a

      month,the reduced cost of gas as I doubled the MPG it was much better to get the

      used car ,untill of course something breaks on it,But for now it was the “best “

      decision and dont miss those monthly unexpected repair bills.

      Ria <aweea_aka_awa@yahoo.com> wrote:

      Have you considered selling your car and getting a beater car

      until you’ve been able to pay down your debt?

      How about selling some items online?


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover