Creative ideas to get your kids to eat veggies

Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes Creative ideas to get your kids to eat veggies

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    • #313522

      I have struggled to get my 8 year old to eat healthy and thought by working together we could come up with tried and proven ideas to help each other.
      The only thing helping right now with my son is dehydrating veggies, grinding them into a powder, and sneaking them into other foods.

      Powdered carrots in strawberry jam for PB & J sandwitches
      Powdered green beans in a can of spaghetti O’s

      I would love to take all the vitamins and minerals needed in a day being all powdered and making some hit muffins and breads or pies…

    • #435941
      Melissa Burnell

      @wendybaird 264460 wrote:

      I have struggled to get my 8 year old to eat healthy and thought by working together we could come up with tried and proven ideas to help each other.
      The only thing helping right now with my son is dehydrating veggies, grinding them into a powder, and sneaking them into other foods.

      First, I completely understand your frustration as a mom and concern about his diet. While my own son is not picky, over the last few months, he’s had ample opportunity to dine/snack on utter Junk. I recently discovered that the kids can buy King Size candy bars at school in between classes from the school store too! sSig_censored  smilie

      Here’s what I did for my son (who’s 14) and what I would do if he were still 8 years old, Immediately put him on Spirulina, 1 capsule in the morning, 1 capsule just before dinner. Within 5 days, he’ll not want anything to do with Junk food because it’ll taste like crap. It literally will not taste good to him and more and he’ll crave healthier foods. Be sure to have decent snack items in the house, (Granny Smith apple slices with Cherry Cheeseball dip is a fave here)

      Keep an eye out on as we’ll be featuring MANY Many new recipes on the site that address this issue as well. We’ve literally tested more than 60 recipes in the last 3 weeks and you’ll be seeing them pop up on the site shortly.

      I also would not allow him to have ANY Soda/Pop/ Sugary drinks, which is only enhancing eating issues.

      Natures way spirulina
      is at most walmarts for about $5 or available on Amazon prime for $6. and worth EVERY Penny. To get it cheaper, click on the subscribe and save and it’ll send it out a couple days later, but will be less money, then cancel the subscription at any time.

      two cents More Info on Spirulina:

      Spirulina may be considered a dietary super food useful in nutrient boosting diets such as the programs competitive athletes use to enhance performance. A wonderful aspect about spirulina is that it is about 70% protein when beef is only about 22% protein. Spirulina contains the following: vitamin A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, folate, vitamin K, biotin, pantothenic acid, beta carotene (source of vitamin A), and inositol.

      Marcus Rohrer Spirulina for Everybody

      Also, Check the archives of the site for more articles/threads on picky eaters – this question has been addressed many times and you might find something else that works well for you.

      Here’s a Link: – – Search

      There’s a search button on the top right hand side of every page on the site.

      beaverhug smilie

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Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes Creative ideas to get your kids to eat veggies