Could someone tell me if this is a scam or is it real?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Could someone tell me if this is a scam or is it real?

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    • #269020

      Warning-Pancake/Cake Mix/Bisquick
      Hi everyone,
      A student at HBHS had pancakes this week and it almost became fatal.
      His Mom (registered nurse) made him pancakes, dropped him off at school and headed to play tennis. She never takes her cell phone on the court but did this time and her son called to say he was having trouble breathing. She told him to go to the nurse immediately and proceeded to call school and alert the nurse. The nurse called the paramedics and they were there in 3 minutes and worked on the boy all the way to the hospital. He came so close to dying. Evidently this is more common then I ever knew. Check the expiration dates on packages like pancakes and cake mixes that have yeast which over time develop spores.
      Apparently, the mold that forms in old mixes can be toxic!
      Throw away ALL OUTDATED pancake mix, Bisquick, brownie mixes etc you have in your home.
      You can check this websit…. Pancake Mix and Allergic Reaction

    • #408763

      I’ve heard this story before… and i believe it to be true. Maybe i’m a sucker but I always believe snopes to be a good source of information. i check there often (used to daily) to read up on current rumors and they try their best at disproving/proving them to be true or false. And when they can’t – they say it’s undetermined.

      But if I remember correctly,you have to have a strong allergy to mold for anything like this to happen! So if you do, it’s probably important to keep all your dry goods in your refrigerator just in case and to check it’s expiration dates. This doesn’t seem too far-fetched to happen since some pancake boxes are made of cardboard and could get damp somewhere or somehow and grow mold in the meantime!

    • #408771

      The information about mold is true, but the story itself cannot be verified. It is typical of Internet emails and the information is quite old. It goes back to a Dear Abby column in 2006. The internet emails tend to sensationalize and scare people.

      All food born molds, yeasts, fungi and bacteria have potential to cause sickness of some level and our immune systems determine how well they can be dealt with on a daily basis. The next time you get ‘flu symptoms’ or have diarrhea, think about it. Your body may be fighting off a mild case of food poisoning.

    • #408777

      The next time you get ‘flu symptoms’ or have diarrhea, think about it. Your body may be fighting off a mild case of food poisoning.

      You know, I have often wondered about this-is it really a stomach virus, flu, etc or was the chicken, fish, etc not cooked completely.

    • #408780

      I think the same way since I have a very sensitive stomach. But then again, only I seem to get sick after meals, where family tends to be fine. So this makes me also think what other allergies I have that i might not be aware of?

    • #408789

      I believe the research says that nearly 94% of reported “flu” cases were actually traced back to food poisoning. The symptoms are the same. The problem is that people don’t think about food poisoning as a probably cause so it is not reported as such when seeking medical help.

      And you are correct. Food poisoning will be different for each person, even in the same household, and again, if it is mild discomfort it is not really connected to food poisoning.

      Most of it is not “life threatening”, but it should raise a question on how to make improvements in the normal routine to reduce incidents. And its not really of cooked food issues, but rather the utensils and environment we are in that were exposed to raw foods where things can grow.

      I love the tooth brush issue and bath towels that are covered with fecal cells from the mist from a toilet. Hard to avoid, but gross still.

    • #408794

      I love the tooth brush issue and bath towels that are covered with fecal cells from the mist from a toilet. Hard to avoid, but gross still.

      Oh man 🙁 I have to just block that out competely or I would never brush my teeth or shower! I am a little bit of a germaphobic. Have to watch myself wondering did someone actually use soap before the opened the restroom doors. Oh the mental games I play with myself 🙂

    • #408796

      All food born molds, yeasts, fungi and bacteria have potential to cause sickness of some level and our immune systems determine how well they can be dealt with on a daily basis.

      So many people just don’t take the time to rethink this whole theory.

    • #408797

      Have to watch myself wondering did someone actually use soap before they opened the restroom doors


      You certainly aren’t the only one on this issue Kim. These places totaly gross me out.

      Here is a quote that I learnt a very long time ago..
      Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

    • #408798

      Thank you JoAnn, know I feel better 🙂

    • #408753
      Margaret K

      I also have an issue with restroom doors. I will wash my hands & then use the towel that I dried them with to open the door. Can always find a trash bin to dispose of said towel.

    • #408754

      @mcnerd 99497 wrote:

      I love the tooth brush issue and bath towels that are covered with fecal cells from the mist from a toilet. Hard to avoid, but gross still.

      My husband told me he read an article that said that if you soak the “brush” part of your tooth brush in an antibacterial mouthwash for an hour and a half & then rinse it out, it will kill the germs. 🙂

    • #408814

      I am a complete freak about expiration dates and sell by dates. I have to drink milk and eat eggs by the sell by date. Nothing in my house is older than the expiration date. I can’t eat food that has sat out for more than a half hour. I don’t know why I am like this but I have chron’s so that might be why. I am just very careful about what I put into my body! Things like this don’t surprise me other than that someone would actually keep something around long enough to grow mold on it!

    • #408815

      @rtebalt 99517 wrote:

      My husband told me he read an article that said that if you soak the “brush” part of your tooth brush in an antibacterial mouthwash for an hour and a half & then rinse it out, it will kill the germs. 🙂

      What is worse is that they tested them in the medicine cabinet, which is where I keep mine, and they test JUST AS HIGH as when left out on the sink. It was on 20/20 or Dateline, one of those shows about “How Clean Is Your House Really?” I have used mouthwash every day since!

    • #408865

      My daughter Deanne is in the third year of nursing…she came home one day telling me about the fecals cells from the mist of the toilet. She said that all toilets shoot it in the air and when your in public – the toilets are generally more powerful and it can shoot the cells up to 20 feet in the air. She will not use public restrooms anymore – then at home…I have to laugh cause what she will do is the ole “flush & run” trick – she is claustraphobic so the door is open for her to run out and run into her room where she immedialty grabs hand sanitizer….but she also warns everyone NOT TO COME DOWN THE HALL!!

    • #408961

      I tend to discount some of this – think of sourdough, I know some people have their sourdough that has been in the family for over 35 years ..

      In high humidity areas especially if you aren’t closing containers properly I would bet you could have some mold issues in any powdery type of food.. In fact I’d wonder about anything packaged in cardboard especially without a waxpaper liner.

      flu vs food poisoning -allergies
      i do believe more people have allergies to foods than they realize. i think lots of people have food sensativities, even if its not true allergies. getting allergy testing on kids may be worth the money btw especially if you have a kid who is always sick.

      (** the rast test is one that is only one blood stick supposedly not as accurate as the intradermals but sometimes its a lot easier – depends on the kid… insist on the cream that numbs the skin, if you do the skin pricks. i honestly think it was child abuse when they did my middle son (3 at time), his whole back was done w/o cream.

      He has sensory issues, so he was actually hurting from the itching. The test was considered tainted because it took 2 nurses and myself to hold him down. never again, did the rast for him and changed drs)

      i am allergic to shrimp (i love it too) i have finally built up to being able to eat 3 or 4 small ones BUT sometimes if my resistance is down or lack of sleep then I can’t handle it. Its not as bad as before when I couldn’t eat anything fried because someone may have fried shrimp in the oil, but its taken 20+ years to get to the point of eating a few shrimps every few months.

      I love icecream but am allergic to milk, so I’d only eat it in the daytime (my throat closes up a bit – I know stupid).. When I was nursing couldn’t figure out why Jake (youngest & bio) would quit breathing .. He was 9 months old before we figured out it was the icecream.

      He couldn’t handle milk till he was late teens and won’t drink much and never if he is sick.

      I believe Bisquick is using baking powder not yeast ..

      Ria (Maine)

    • #408947
      my husband told me he read an article that said that if you soak the “brush” part of your tooth brush in an antibacterial mouthwash for an hour and a half & then rinse it out, it will kill the germs.

      if i recall correctly this only works if you are doing it just before you are going to use the toothbrush and no one flushes.

      on a side note, i think that sometimes we over use a lot of cleaning/antisecptic products and that is why it is harder and harder to fight off things such as a simple cold. i try to remember the old adage “what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger” sometimes though you just have a hard time because the mind tells you “yuk”.

      this has been a fun post!

    • #408969

      I told Deanne about this post, she then said “aint nobody’s poo making me stronger!”…… kids say the darnest things…..

    • #408974

      I love the tooth brush issue and bath towels that are covered with fecal cells from the mist from a toilet. Hard to avoid, but gross still.

      You are so right about this. I am not necessarily a germophobic, however; whenever I go into any rest room, public, or my own (since there are multiple persons living at my house), the first thing i do, is open the door with either a clean paper towel, tissue, or if neither are available, my sleeve. before using the commode, i grab tissue, when i flush, i use tissue on the handle.

      before washing my hands, i grab paper towels, use them to turn the water on and off. i then grab more paper towels, to turn the light out, and open the door. however, there is one thing that irks me more than anything else.

      i know we have to be away of environmental issues, stop waste.. ect.. ect..

      ect… but they go too far. the thing that irks me the most, is going into a restaurant, fast food place, grocery store, ect.

      using the rest room, and low and behold, there on the wall is one of those darn hand dryers. ok.. so, now, how do i turn the water on?

      how do i open the door upon leaving? i either make sure i have a supply of paper towels with me, or use those nifty little toilet seat covers. the worst thing about that is ..

      what do the employees do? i am betting that they flush, turn the water on with the hand they just flushed with, wash, turn the water off with the same hand, dry their hands with that nifty dryer, open the door…. with the same hand…

      and go back to work, preparing my food. yuck!!! i say there should be a ban on hand dryers, especially in a place that serves food or drink.

      thanks for this post.

    • #408976

      @wilbe95 99504 wrote:

      Oh man 🙁 I have to just block that out competely or I would never brush my teeth or shower! I am a little bit of a germaphobic. Have to watch myself wondering did someone actually use soap before the opened the restroom doors.

      Oh the mental games I play with myself 🙂

      I don’t consider myself a germaphobe–but– I use the paper towel I dryed my hands on to open the door if it has a handle, then pitch it in the nearest t’can. If no towels, I just grin and bear it :045:

    • #409003

      i am so glad my bathroom sink is separated by a door from my toilet lolol 😀

      you know what i do when they have hand dryers? tp! just grab a wad and use that to open the door.

      most of the sinks here are automatic where they turn on/off without needing to touch them now.

      and i dont even want to think about the cleanliness of people that cook food! i wash my hands so much when I cook (probably about 10 times) that I end up needing lotion after to help them from drying out! I’ve gotten that way since I work with kids and know how important it is to wash your hands…

    • #409035

      I do the exact same thing Mardhines!!! and I tell you what….the first place I got when going to a restaurant is the bathroom. I will open the door and first look, if its unclean or a dryer, I will go immediatly back to the table and whoever I am with wil have the choice to leave with me!!

      I do not consider me bringing my wet wipes helping me keep my hands clean, because I am sure not everyone brings them – especially the workers…so no matter what I touch, well you get the idea….I am very aware of my surroundings….not a germaphobic …. 🙂 Deanne has me thinking some crazy things since she has been in nursing though ;^/

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Could someone tell me if this is a scam or is it real?