Coughing at night & cannot sleep?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Coughing at night & cannot sleep?

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    • #338131

      if you are having problems with coughing at night, & are not getting any rest, here is a great tip for you! i guarantee this works every time!!
      get some “vicks vapo rub” slather it on the bottoms of both feet, put comfortable socks on, & go to bed. you will not cough all night long!

      i’ve been doing this for many years, & have told countless people about this, & every single one has come back to tell me it worked great!two centstwo cents

    • #451397

      I had heard about this from two different friends on different sides of the country and thought they were crazy. That is, until I tried it. I am an asthmatic, so this doesn’t work for asthmatic coughs, but it did work when I had a sinus infection and bronchitis… I did exactly as directed and slathered it on the bottoms of my feet and put on a pair of socks when i went to bed.

      I slept from around 11pm until 6am without coughing. Another benefit was that it made me feet feel soft and smooth too! Definitely worked for me!

    • #451478

      I have used this on my youngest child for the past few years and am so thankful that it helps.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Coughing at night & cannot sleep?