Corning ware cleaner

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Household Recipes Corning ware cleaner

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    • #347467

      I used to be able to find a small bottle of a cream type cleaner for corning ware. I can’t find it now and was wondering if anyone as a MYO recipe or another good tip for getting the stains out of corning ware.

    • #459082

      Baking soda on a wet paper towel has always worked amazingly well for me…

    • #459088

      Wow; not sure I’ll ever figure this place out; this is my third attempt…

      Have you tried scrubbing with baking soda on a wet paper towel? I’ve had great success cleaning corningware this way, and it’s a lot less expensive than fancy creams…

    • #459092
      Frugal Mom

      I use plain old baking soda and a Tuffy scrubber. Works great.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Household Recipes Corning ware cleaner