Cork Reindeer
What you need:
5 Large wine corks
Glue/ Glue gun
Brown Pipe Cleaner
Small black pom pom
Black marker
Christmas Ribbon
Red or green Wool
You will need 5 corks (large wine ones are best). Glue two end to end for the body. Glue a third on its side to one side of the body for the head. Glue one each under body for the legs (it will appear to have only two legs). – let dry.
Using a pointed object poke two holes in top of head. Insert two brown pipe cleaners (cut small) for antlers.
Cut a piece of Christmas Ribbon to make the saddle. Glue on body.
Draw eyes with marker, or buy “google eyes” and glue on. Draw on nose, or use tiny pom-pom.
Glue on piece of red or green wool from head to body on each side, to look like reigns.