Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc Copycat: ORANGE JULIUS

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    • #239085

      orange julius copycat recipe

      1 c Orange juice
      1 c Water
      2 Eggs
      3/4 ts Vanilla extract
      1/4 c Granulated sugar
      1 c Ice — heaping cup

      Just blend everything together with a blender.

    • #399701

      I have a version my kids enjoy.

      1 cup OJ
      1/2-1 cup vanilla yogurt
      1/2-1 cup milk
      1/4 cup vanilla whey protein powder
      1 banana
      6-12 cubes of ice
      (optional: frozen tropical fruit: mango, pineapple)

      put all ingredients in a blender. Mix until smooth.


    • #399820

      Where do you get Vanilla whey protein? This sounds good anyway.


    • #399831

      i buy it at our local Trader Joe’s. but I am sure most health food stores and vitamin shops carry it too. My husband uses this instead of soy protein powder, because he’s read whey protein powder is better for men than soy.

      We also buy the chocolate whey powder and my daughter doesn’t even realize all the protein and other healthy ingredients that are in there.

      The whey powders make great protein additions to smoothies, and are much less chalky than soy protein powder (but I like using soy in my baking).

    • #399875

      Health food store!!! Thats it!! Thanks!!!

    • #439705
      Snoopy 420

      Thank you! I haven’t has an orange Julius in years. I’m looking forward to trying this

    • #449711

      My friend at work loves this drink!!!!! Just sent him the directions, I know it will make him so happy!!!!! Thanks

    • #449758

      I would think that if you prefer the egg..use egg beaters, which are pasteurized.

    • #449759

      I have seen it at Sams’ club in the past…don’t use it, but was with the weight loss supplements, etc.

    • #449963

      All sounds good to me! Nice!

    • #450970

      I believe Orange Julius has always used a protein powder. Even way back then when they opened their business it would have been against health dept codes to service raw eggs to customers. Years ago there was a product called Tiger(s) Milk that friends of mine used to make it but I would imagine it was a vanilla flavored protein powder.

      You can buy the flavored egg protein powder at many grocery stores.

    • #452189

      I don’t normally put eggs in my Orange Julius recipe, but I’m wondering what egg replacement powder would do? Has anyone tried this?

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Budget Menu & Dirt Cheap Recipes Mixes~MYO~Copycat~Etc Copycat: ORANGE JULIUS