Christmas gag gift – melted snowman

Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Christmas gag gift – melted snowman

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    • #265131

      Take a rock – any rock – preferably a slightly round rock, and paint it white. Paint on a snowman face, happy or sad. Add a little black hat made out of felt and two thin sticks for arms and you have a melting snowman.

      Looks great if you have a bunch of them together in all sizes.


    • #401430

      This sounds fun. Can you see the look on people’s faces when they open it thinking what in the world is this LOL

    • #401431

      I agree…I sent that to my brothers and sisters last year… was too funny!!!

    • #401435

      This is really cute! Great as a stocking stuffer! 🙂

    • #401440

      I was thinking of giving it to some co-workers this year…lol

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Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Christmas gag gift – melted snowman