christmas budgeting

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    • #239753

      Here’s what we did.

      My dh’s family always spends ridiculous amounts of $ at christmas. i don’t mean
      to sound ungrateful, but it is usually tons of cheap stuff that obviously wasn’t
      bought with any care or thought. (for instance, my mil knows what perfume i
      wear and that i wear it exclusively, we have talked about it numerous times but
      every time that she has given me perfume it has never been what she knows i

      btw, what i wear is not expensive-jovan musk)

      when we had our first child, we decided that we couldn’t continue to buy for
      everyone in the family (there are 7 of them) so we proposed exchanging names. I
      didn’t think that my mil would go for it, but she did. christmas came and the
      whole family did exactly what they do every year, only they added the extra
      presents for the name exchange on top of it all.

      that was the final straw. we told them that we were no longer able to buy gifts
      for adults (dh and i don’t even exchange) we buy for the children in our lives.
      add in all of the extra food, higher electricity bills, decorations, travel
      expenses, christmas cards, postage, film, photo printing, etc. and we still
      can’t afford it but we don’t see a way to trim down much more.


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