I am trying to do more and more handmade gifts. I realize that they do not
“cost” as much as store bought things, but I can give a “bigger” gift if I make
it myself, then what I can afford, if I am buying it…. for example…
I can
make ponchos and sweaters — very nice ones. I cannot afford to spend $45.00
(or more) on something comparable (I’m not talking the wal-mart variety) for
each person on my list — but I have a large store of yarn, and can create
something for them that is personal, and very pretty and useable. There are a
few people on my list that i know will actually turn their noses up and make a
big, public stink about how they were cheated out of a “real” gift, when they
get something handmade, so I’ll buy them something smaller.
(most people expect
something handmade from me now, tho). There are others (grandfathers) that i
have no idea what to make for them, so we set a low limit of about $15 – $20
each. (oh, any suggestions for handmade stuff for a
ok, that’s it for me… lol I look forward to seeing everyone else’s responses
to this, and would LOVE some more ideas!