Chicks in a Basket

Holidays & Special Occasions Easter- Ostara Chicks in a Basket

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    • #272262

      Chicks in a Basket

      egg carton
      cotton balls
      yellow food dye
      shredded paper (optional)
      bits of orange paper

      Dip one large cotton ball in yellow dye diluted with water. Let dry. Cut egg carton so you have one section. Place a bit of shredded paper (color optional) in bottom of section. When yellow cotton ball is dry draw eyes on top to make eyes. Cut out very small triangle of orange paper and glue on yellow cotton ball to make chicks beak. Sit chick in carton section to make the chick in the basket.

      Great Tips!! The best way to dye cotton balls is to put them in a Zip lock bag with dry tempera paint. Place the cotton balls in the Zip-lock bag with a few spoons of dry tempera paint. Shake the bag to coat the cotton balls. Remove the cotton balls from the zip lock bag and shake off the excess paint. This works great. I hope this tip will help.

      For the cotton ball to be dyed yellow, wipe off some powdered yellow pastels/chalks with the cotton ball. See if this could work.

      The people who are having trouble getting the dye to dry on their cotton balls are using synthetic (not really cotton) cotton balls. The real cotton, usually called cotton bolls (with an o) will dry perfectly. They should say 100% cotton on the bag. This is the kind I always buy because they are gentler on your skin.

      Several people have let it be known that cotton balls now come in pastel colors and are much easier to use then making your own colored balls!! Thanks

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Holidays & Special Occasions Easter- Ostara Chicks in a Basket