Candy Cane Bath Salts

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    • #265241

      Candy cane bath salts are awesome whether you are just making it for yourself or if you are making it as holiday gifts. This recipe will make 12 12-oz. jars, with a little leftover for you.

      Things You’ll Need:
      12 12-oz. clear jars, like canning jars
      16 cups Epsom Salts, divided in half
      6 cups sea salt, divided in half
      1/4 tsp. glycerin for each half
      12 to 15 drops red food coloring
      12 to 15 drops peppermint essential oil
      2 large bowls

      Step1 – Put half of the Epsom Salts and half the sea salt in each of the two bowls.

      Step2 – Add 1/4 tsp. glycerin and six to eight drops peppermint essential oil to one of the bowls.

      Step3 – Add 1/4 tsp. glycerin, the food coloring and six to eight drops peppermint essential oil to the other bowl.

      Step4 – Stir both until well combined and the red ones color is as even as possible.

      Step5 – Hold the jars at an angle while you layer alternate colors of the salts into the jar. Place the lid on the jar before you stand it up straight.

      Step6 – Add a label to the top of the jar and a ribbon and you have a great gift. So, take a couple of tablespoons of the leftovers and go relax in the bath

    • #401520

      Epsom Salts, is really good for alot of things. I like these MYO postings that you are postings today. Not sure, where do you purchase glycerin at ?

    • #401524

      I think you could get it at a craft store like Michaels

    • #401532

      Can you use pepermint extract or do you need to buy essential oil? I have that in my cupboard.

    • #401534

      I have never used it before was wondering—- thanks

    • #401553

      @fosterfamily5 87627 wrote:

      Can you use pepermint extract or do you need to buy essential oil? I have that in my cupboard.

      I’m not sure, but I don’t think you should. It might really irritate your skin.

    • #401557

      Your probably right. I’ll go get some essential oil. I hadn’t thought of that.


    • #401568

      You can also get glycerin at a pharmacy. A little pricey but a little goes a long way.

    • #401636

      I buy glycerin at the CVS or Walgreens we have here in Charlottesville..I use my ECB from CVS because it is a little expensive, but its worth it !!

    • #401643

      Wonderful ladies—will check this out, don’t have a craft store near by it’s 40 miles away. 😉

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