cake mix and soda lots of recipes

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List cake mix and soda lots of recipes

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    • #254204

      I’m mainly a lurker, but I must say thank you for the
      cake and soda suggestions!! We wanted to make chocolate cupcakes today but
      only had 2 eggs and the box mix called for 3….well, we tried german
      chocolate mix with diet coke and one whole egg and it was fab!! My 5 year old
      thought I was crazy for putting in soda but it was just excellent.

      making his cupcakes, I decided to make a cake for me! I used the white cake
      mix and coke orange (I know it isn’t diet but hey), another success, very
      good and fluffy. Thanks again, I would have never though to use cake mixes
      like this.

      I did try a 7up cake in the past but didn’t like the texture
      (recipe from scratch) so didn’t try any others.

      Trish in the UK

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List cake mix and soda lots of recipes