Bullying continues(long)

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    • #258658

      Can you talk to the parents of these boys? I know it’s a far stretch

      but I think the parents should know how their sons are acting when

      they are not around. Most parents would not want their child to behave

      that way.

      I grew up in a semi country area where it was mostly a white

      population with some Hispanics and only a handful of black children. I

      am half Asian but my cousins came down to live with me. My cousins are

      from Taiwan and cultural here are very, very different so they didn’t

      fit in.

      One boy called my cousin a B*tch and the school bus driver heard and

      told his father. His father took to boy to our house and made him

      apologize and told us that is not how he wants his boy to grow up.

      — In Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, “maria” wrote:


      > My son is age 10,he is a special needs child as well as a legally

      > disabled child. As long as i can remember he has been picked

      > on/called names/even beat up by his peers.


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