Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge

Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge

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    • #238749

      I challenge each of you to post your favorite frugal Holiday Gift Ideas! I thought it would be nice to share some ideas for various ages, occupations, etc.


    • #398618

      I like shopping through the year to get great deals on clearance items. Our budget is about $20 – $25 per person. I recently got a whole bunch of dog themed scrapbook stuff and a scrapbook for under $20 on clearance. My friend is crazy about her dog so it is a perfect gift for her. I will be hitting Ross this week to scoop up any gift deals I find.

      One of my favorite frugal gifts is stockpiling all of the beauty freebies I get and putting them into a basket. I have found that every gal loves samples. If I find a really good deal on a sample lot on eBay, I will pick it up. If you go to the beauty counters at places like Dillard’s, etc. you can score some really nice freebies. I will also pick up stuff on clearance to toss in the basket. This year I got a 3 bottles of shampoo and conditioner from bath and body works on sale (it was free with a gift card) and found out I was allergic to it. I gave the open bottles to my friend which she loved. I am using one set in the guest bathroom and the other set I will be putting in one of my beauty gift baskets.

    • #398626


      I cross stitch xmas tree ornaments through-out the year and give them as gifts at xmas time.

      god bless!!

    • #401078

      I love to cross-stitch Christmas ornaments, but I hate having to buy those plastic ornament rings for the ornaments – they add extra expense & really look kind of cheap sometimes. So, last year I took cross-stitch material & made several ornaments. I cut them out in cirlces or squares. Then I took scrap material I had around & cut it to the same size. I placed the cross-stitch square on top of the material square & – using cross-stitich thread – I stitched up 3 sides of the ornament. Then I took the filling that you use to fill pillows & filled up the ornament & stitched up the last side. Then I took a little more thread and tied it to the top of the ornament to hang the ornament by. They were really cute stuffed like little pillows & they were completely handmade. The best part is that one piece of cross-stich material that costs about $5 can make a lot of ornaments. One bag of stuffing that cost about $3 can stuff a lot of ornaments & you can use any scrap material on the back! So, for about $8, you could probably make at least 10-15 ornaments! That’s less that $1 a piece & people seem to really like them. 🙂

    • #401091

      I was thinking this year that I would go to the local dollar tree and buy address books, fill them out with all the address, phone numbers and email addresses of the family ( I have 11 brothers and sisters) and then putting a picture of our family in it with one self addressed stamped envelope. Then writing them a newsletter to tell them how things are going on our home front and request that they drop me a line (using the enclosed envelope) and send me an updated picture of their family. Not too expensive I dont think.


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Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge