Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge

Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge

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      Re: Budget101.com : Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge

      My budget is about $1/person or $5/family. I like to make personalized ornaments. Sometimes I buy the wooden or plaster ones and paint them or sometimes I buy the clear balls that you can put stuff in.

      One year I put fake red hibiscus flowers in them and said Merry Christmas from Hawaii. You can get bundles of flowers in the flower section of a craft store for pretty cheap. Make sure they will fit in through the hole in the top of the ornament but still fill out inside.

      Invest in one good metallic paint pen ($4) and then figure out how many people you will have to buy for (usually 40 in our case) so I get 4-dozen of the ornaments ($2/dozen on sale) and then something to put inside or cover the outside with tissue paper or fabric scraps ($5 at most) So for less than $20 bucks I can usually get everyone a little something. Of course we send a family newsletter with photos inserted into them. (You can email them to most people free) mail or deliver them to grandparents and others who don’t have email.

      plus if at the last moment you forget someone it isn’t hard to put together a special gift for them. just make sure that each year is a little different so that everyone knows you are going to give an ornament but each year it is a surprise what it is going to be. we have a theme each christmas, this year its peace so everything is blue and white.

      painted snowflake ornaments with a photo of our daughter inside for grandparents and baby jars decoupaged w/ tissue paper and painted lids with little votive candles inside the jar and photos of our daughter inside the lid. its still an ornament(lid) and a candle holder(jar) (the lid has a piece of ribbon hot glued around the edge that ties into a little bow. if you untie it, tie it into a knot, it makes the holder for the ornament.) forty of these make the rest of my gifts.
      for neighbors and good friends and close family i sometime throw in a dozen cookies or brownies to make it one gift for the whole family.

      so they get one family ornament, the newsletter from our family, and a plate of deserts. (easy way to get around getting gifts for your neighbors and coworkers kids) -jessica

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Holidays & Special Occasions Christmas-Yule-hanukkah-Kwanzaa-Winter Solstice Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge