Re:Budget101 Holiday Gift Idea Challenge
My favorite gifts to give are:
1 Take a plastic or glass jar with a lid and fill with either person’s
favorite candy, chocolates, different types of herbal teas or mini spa
things (all can be found at the dollar store). Write the person’s
name or initials on the outside of the jar with a Sharpie (if plastic)
or paint pen if glass (you must let this set). Add hang tag.
2 Winter scarf, gloves ($1 ones from Walmart), hand lotion, and
plastic coffe mug with lid place with in a cute basket or bag and
write “Winter survival kit” on tag or bag.
I try not spend more than $10 per person, but I dont buy many gifts
outside of my kids, DH, mom, dad, and siblings.
I usually send cards with our family photos, bookmark, or small