Budget101.com : Re: Book Safe

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Budget101.com : Re: Book Safe

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    • #250343

      Thank you, Donna…good luck with the book safe. Trying to keep the edges
      straight is a bit tricky, but I found a sharp pair of nail scissors worked
      just fine to fix any pages that weren’t quite in line!

      Here’s a few popular and inexpensive bath time gifts, and I’m going to add
      Christmas gift tags to the bath oil, and make Christmas sachets for the
      Oatmeal Milk Bath Sachet project (I adore this stuff, makes me feel like
      Cleopatra when I’m having a bath, because she was supposed to bathe in

      https://www.allfreecrafts.com/homemade_bath_oil.htm (basically baby oil, a
      recycled jar, and potpourri)

      The Milk Bath recipe follows the link, but you can print individual bath
      sized sachet packets from this page, and I’ll be adding Christmas sachets,
      hopefully later today:
      Oatmeal Milk Bath Recipe
      1 cup of cornstarch
      2 cups skim milk powder
      1/2 cup baking soda (increase this amount if your water is hard)
      1/2 cup oatmeal
      Mix all ingredients in a blender until the consistency of fine powder. Add
      two or three tablespoons to your bath to soothe your soul and soften your

      Cut pretty flowers from paper napkins to decoupage a matching jar and shaker
      box, and fill the jar with the above Milk Bath recipe if you like:

      This is a nice homemade gift for kids to make:

      Use paint markers, or permanent ink markers, to pretty up a pillbox:

      Think that’s it for now!


      Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 11:33 PM
      Subject: Re: Budget101.com : Re: Book Safe

      > Hi Jane,
      > I will have to say that your craft projects are very welcomed. I have been
      > working on gifts for Christmas, and more ideas are welcomed. I really like
      > the idea of the book safe, this is very unique and thinking that it can be
      > gift to make for some of the older family members, this is such a great
      > idea.

      I’ll be looking for more. Thanks Donna

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Budget101.com : Re: Book Safe