gosh thats scary! Since getting birds I no longer use chemicals…i use gse
grapefruit seed extract….it does everything
glad you thought quickly and took care of the situation
dear ladies and gentlemen.
today i was cleaning my house for christmas and i was cleaning under where
the two cats use the litter pan in the laundry room. i was out of mr clean,
so i grabbed the bottle of clorox and poured it directly on the floor. big
mistake, there was obviously urine on the papers around the litter pan
which got on the floor.
urine is high in ammonia. when ammonia is mixed with
clorox..it produces toxic clorine gas which can send a full sized human to
the emergency room in under a minute. if you happen to be using clorox this
year to clean, please dont forget to dilute it first. if you see it
bubbling it means a chemical reaction is occuring and you should leave the
area with children and pets immediately.
when in an hour or two it is safer
to return, pour water on the area (i actually used the hand sprayer on the
sink to spray my floor) and open all ventalations and windows. death can
occur quickly if clorine gas is enhaled. if you, your children or your pets
come into contact with cholorine gas..
run to the emergency room or your
local doctor and have them check you out. or call 911 or appropriate rescue
services in your area. Please do not let such a small thing turn your
Holiday season into a tragedy.
Merry Christmas
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