Bridal Shower Favors

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Bridal Shower Favors

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    • #239195

      I used to be a Pampered Chef consultant. Here’s one idea of what you
      could do for a game-of course it would depend on your crowd. Just adapt
      it for a regular bridal shower instead of a Pampered Chef show.

      reminds me of the Amelia Bedelia books……..


      Type it inserting the actual Groom’s name on the blanks. Then

      I either cut it into strips or do each day on a different page.

      Then I insert them into the guest folders in no random order, just

      sure all eight days get to someone. I put them in the folders upside

      down with Do not turn over until asked for. And also on the back it

      says what day of the week it is on the other side, with one saying 2nd

      Monday .

      Now during the show early on somewhere I ask the person with Monday to
      turn over their paper & read it. The first one is great but it takes one
      or two more before they really catch on & they start rolling off their
      chairs. I try to spread them out over the whole show.

      I use it during
      the time when I have a down time, when I am losing the group ie: to
      talking with one another, when I go into the kitchen etc. I find it
      fills those spaces & the groups & the New Bride/Cook love it & get a big
      kick out of it. I know it’s not a game, but I don’t have time for games
      at Showers so this seems to fill that space.

      Diary Of A Successful New Bride/Cook”

      Dear Diary,


      Now home from honeymoon and settled in our new

      home, it’s fun to cook for ___________. Today I made an angel

      food cake and the recipe said, “Beat 12 eggs separately.”

      Well, I didn’t have enough bowls to do that, so I had to

      borrow enough bowls to beat the eggs in. The cake

      turned out fine.


      We wanted a fruit salad for supper. The recipe said,

      “Serve without dressing.” So, I didn’t dress. But, ________

      happened to bring a friend home for supper that night.

      Did they ever look startled when I served the salad!


      I decided to serve rice and found a recipe which said,

      “Wash thoroughly before steaming the rice.” So, I

      heated some water and took a bath before steaming

      the rice. Sounded kinda silly in the middle of the week.

      I can’t say it improved the rice any.


      Today ____________ asked for salad again. I tried a new recipe.

      It said, “Prepare ingredients, then toss on a bed of

      lettuce one hour before serving.” I hunted all over the

      garden by my Mom’s. So I tossed my salad into the

      bed of lettuce and stood over there one hour so the

      dog would not take it. __________ came over and asked if I

      felt all right. I wonder why?


      Today I found an easy recipe for cookies. It said, “Put

      all ingredients in a bowl and beat it.” Beat it I did, right

      over to my Mom’s house! There must have been

      something wrong with the recipe, because when I

      came back home again it looked the same as when

      I left it.


      ________ went shopping today and brought home a chicken.

      He asked me to dress it for Sunday. I’m sure I don’t

      know how hens dress for Sunday. I never noticed

      back on the farm, but I found a doll dress and some

      little shoes. I though the hen looked real cute. When

      _________ saw it, I wondered why he counted to 10.


      Today __________ folks came to dinner. I wanted to serve

      roast, but all we had in the icebox, was hamburger.

      So I put it in the oven and set the controls for roast.

      There must be a problem with the oven, because

      it still came out a hamburger.


      I was going to bake bread today. The recipe said, “Mix

      well and knead well. Then stand in a warm place until

      double in bulk.” I just won’t bake bread if I have to

      double in bulk!

      Goodnight Dear Diary. This has been an exciting week.

      I am eager for tomorrow to come, so I can try a new

      recipe on ___________.

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Bridal Shower Favors