Bridal Shower and Bachalorette party

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Bridal Shower and Bachalorette party

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    • #239991

      My mom and I are hosting a bridal shower followed by a bachalorette
      party for my future sister-in-law the end of August. The bridal shower
      will be at my mom’s home and we will be serving a light lunch. I
      wondered if anyone had any great ideas for party favors and little
      gifts (for bridal shower games). Any bridal shower games would be
      great too!

      My mom isn’t too concerened about money for the gifts, but
      I would like to come up with some meaningful, pretty gifts. I have
      been to several bridal showers (7) in the past 3 years, but it is all
      the same family, so I don’t really want to repeat the party favors I
      have seen. My mom and I are pretty crafty, so that shouldn’t be a

      Also, if anyone has any ideas for a bachalorette party in
      the Greater Boston area, we are going to have one right after the
      bridal shower. My future SIL is not into going to a stripclub or
      anything like that. Just something fun for everyone to do together
      the evening after the shower.

      Any thoughts would be greatly
      appreciated! Thank you.

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Bridal Shower and Bachalorette party