Bridal Shower and Bachalorette party

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Bridal Shower and Bachalorette party

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    • #239992

      When my friend got married, she and I did the favors for her shower
      ourselves, since we are the crafty ones. We took empty jars and
      wrapped them in mylar tissue & metallic paper tissue in gold (her
      colors were navy, forest green, and gold), and tied thick gauzy gold
      ribbon around it, then put flowers inside them. It was a homemade

      We alternated the colors on the vases. The gold went on as the
      bottom layer, and tufted out above the jar opening, then we did 1 of
      the mylar tissues over it, doing the same so it tufted up over it,
      then put the ribbon around the neck of the jar, and hot glued it
      into place. We glued little artificial flowers over them.

      would also work nice for wedding centerpeices.

      For candy dishes, we took tiny terra cotta flower pots, and did the
      same, but tied them with curling ribbon just under the wide “lip” of
      the pot, and filled them with candy to set out on the tables. Again,
      that would work well for weddings, too.

      For her bachlorette party, I drove them to my home town, which was
      about an hour and a half from where we all lived, but is the 2nd
      biggest town in Michigan (Grand Rapids). We went to the down town
      area where there are around 15-20 bars within walking distance of
      each other, and we just bar hopped from bar to bar, and dance club
      to dance club. We didn’t do any strippers, either.

      We did do a cake
      & the presents back at the apartment we were staying in. It was fun
      for us, but all of us invited were in our mid 20’s.

      Intrestingly enough, I had another friend who was getting married
      the weekend before them, and we did her bachlorette party the same
      weekend, since I would be in town (she lives down there). She’s a
      much more reserved quiet girl. What we did with her was rent a hotel
      room at a hotel with a 24 hour indoor pool, and a hot tub.

      We drank
      some wine coolers in the room, then went to 1 bar for a brief time
      that had a dance floor and good music (and no cover charge, that’s
      important!), then went back to the hotel, and played in the pool for
      most of the night. It was fun, and much more low-key than the bar
      hopping. Plus, I was still mostly hung over from the night before,
      which isn’t hard for me to be since I rarely drink.

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Bridal Shower and Bachalorette party