— In Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, Michelle Fitchett
> Hi I am new here also and I do store my yeast in the fridge I am
not sure if it makes the bread raise better or not. I have just read
it is better for the yeast. Welcome to the group
> Michelle
> yahoo messenger michelleftchtt
> — On Thu, 8/14/08, Joi wrote:
> From: Joi
> Subject: Budget101.com : Bread machine loaves
> To: Budget101_@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, August 14, 2008, 2:58 pm
> thanks, i have been a fringer for a little while but i just love
this group, there is always someone who has help for any questions
and the myo recipes are such a help on saving on our groceries.
> i have a question ladies, i am new at this so please be
kind when you
> answer. when making bread, i was told to store my yeast in the
> so it would keep longer, does the dough rise better when the yeast
> room temperature? i have made 2 loaves and both looked very rustic
> I was wondering if that was it. They both tasted wonderful, but
> were a bit dense and only made about 1/3 of the pan in my bread
> and I am trying to figure out what I might have done wrong. Thanks
> your time and responses.