I am trying this and it is working so far.
I got two loaves of Sara Lee bread free this weekend. Took all the bread out of the bag, put two slices per sandwich baggie, and put all the baggies back in the bread bag. Put the bread bag back in the freezer. Now when someone wants to pack a sandwich, or get toast, they take out two slices from the freezer and off they go. The rest stays frozen.
So far, so good. (OH, and I am emphatic that the sandwich baggies need to come back home for washing / reuse).
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:26 PM, snottygirl1 <snottygirl1@yahoo.com> wrote:
I have never been able to store my bread in my bread box, it usually
gets moldy in there way to quickly. I use the bread box to hold my
coupons, scissors, pens etc… and the bread and rolls go in the fridge
during the summer (its very humid here) or on top of the fridge during
the winter