I make a 5 gallon bucket for the kids. I use a bottle of Joy dish soap. I’ve
heard it works the best and it seems to. Then a bottle of glycerin. You get
it at the pharmacy (drug store). Then fill the remainder with water.
I get tennis rackets, colanders, etc from the Goodwill.
When the kids are done I put a lid on it and just open it up the next day.
I suppose you could put it in smaller bottles with lids and give each their
From: Budget101_@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Budget101_@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Heather
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 6:57 AM
To: Budget101_@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Budget101.com : Re: blowing bubbles
I just use dish soap and water. It veries how much is needed based on
how thick the soap is to begin with. Some dish soaps are watered down
to begin with, so it takes more of those types.
I usually fill a bubbles container about 3/4th of the way, add some
soap, and try blowing a bubble. I just keep adding drops of soap until
I get good bubbles. 🙂
— In Budget101_@yahoogro
> I would like to know if a person can make their owne soap solution
> blowing bubbles from just dish soap and water or does it take
> something special?
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