Blizzard Kit (Really Cute Gift)

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    • #265621

      wrap a big box in festive holiday paper and fill it with a box of cocoa, 2 bags of marshmallows, a box of graham crackers, 2 family-sized chocolate bars, a box of popcorn, a dvd/movie and maybe a card game or a board game like uno or jenga or even a deck of playing cards. then write a little poem and attach it to the box:

      “if you find yourselves indoors because of ice and snow …

      there’s plenty of popcorn, s’mores and fun … and don’t forget cocoa!”

    • #402302

      This one is my favourite. I am so sad that I don’t get “locked up” because of snow!!!

    • #402303

      rtebalt, I now know what I’m doing for my sister- in-law, she Likes S’mores too.

    • #402326

      This is a great idea, and not much money spent. Thanks

    • #402341

      Great JoAnn! Let me know what she thinks! (I may do a version of this for my Hubbie as one of his gifts for Christmas.

      – I’m hoping we get snowed in for a day this year! 🙂 )

    • #402342

      Oooh! I just thought of something! If you need a Christmas gift for someone who is newly married or a wedding present for someone getting married in winter, you could do a blizzard kit for them.

      Except, instead of smores & games you could put in:
      a candle & small box of matches
      a CD of romantic music
      a bottle of massage oil
      a box of chocolates
      a “Do Not Disturb” sign for the door 🙂

    • #402348

      That’s wonderful even for those who aren’t newly wed. I wouldn’t mind receiving one any time eventhough i’ve been married forever 🙂

    • #402355

      QueenSissi – You’re so right! It would be cute for any couple! 🙂

    • #402389

      So many great ideas here. Everyone has really got my ball rolling. I think gifts like these, are more personal and thoughtful.

      Being married for years too lollll—would love one of these gifts. I have an address if anyone wants to send one…Thanks rtebalt great ideas you have & have started here.

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