I always go out and get the BLACK FRIDAY deals. In
past 10 years I only missed one time and that was
cause my middle girl was born on Turkey Day, so I
missed it but it was well worth it.
I always get good deals. Yea lines are REALLY long
and people are really rude. But with all money I save
it is well worth it. I got Bob the Builder dolls for
only 2.99 one year. I got smoothie machine for only
9.99 which usually cost over 20.00, Bratz dolls on
sale, and alot of tools for hubby, digital camera for
9.99, kids computer for 8.99(little laptop one)
This year I bet there will be alot of good sales on
Cars items from the movie. I get up about 2am and
leave house at 2:30 for the 30 min. drive to the mall
for the stores. For me it is worth wait and rude
people cause of all the money I save. KB TOYS and
TOYS R US are good one for sales, we also have an
OLLIES this year, so I’m sure it will be a hit too. I
think of it as MY TIME WITHOUT KIDS. great way to
spend time to myself rite??
Well that is my deals I get. How are you people
commin up with sale adds already?? They don’t come out
here till week of Turkey Day.