best toilet paper value

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    • #338115

      I continue to be shocked at the price of toilet paper. We have used Charmin Ultra for years. In the last year or so, it has gone to $18 for one of the big packs. Is this a good value, or is there a better choice price and quality wise?

    • #449845

      I also buy my toilet paper in bulk but I only buy Scott 20 roll pack. On sale it is usually under $13.00 and with a thousand sheets per roll that is a huge value to me! Plus it is better for your plumbing! Walmart and Wegman’s now carry their brands with a thousand sheets per roll so if Scott is not on sale I will buy that and it is usually the same price.

    • #449848

      Is it one or two ply?

    • #449855

      For the quality u can’t beat Charmin…u use less, its stronger, softer on your bum…I clip coupons or call the man for coupons…I’ve learned there’s just some things you don’t skimp on…therefore I’ll buy another product that may be off brand so I can buy charmin

    • #449862

      Yes, I really like Charmin. It is just so expensive. I was hoping there might be a comparable brand out there that I had not tried.

    • #449881

      Like Hawksmom48, I also only buy the scott toilet tissue. With 4 children I have always found it to be the best bargain for our household.

    • #449887

      @lesleycouponer 423577 wrote:

      I continue to be shocked at the price of toilet paper. We have used Charmin Ultra for years. In the last year or so, it has gone to $18 for one of the big packs. Is this a good value, or is there a better choice price and quality wise?

      When we had our septic pumped (we use scott btw) the fellow that pumped it told us that Charmin is the WORST TP for your tank, it breaks into cloud-like puffs that don’t break down and it causes the most damage to tanks, clogging them and making a mess of them. He asked us what we were using because our tank looked great and we only pump it once every 10-15 Years. I told him SCOTT.

      Unless you have city sewer and dont care about paying to have it fixed I would stay as far away from Charmin & other “fluffy” toilet paper as you can.

    • #449892

      Scott is only one ply

    • #449910

      @FreebieQueen 424372 wrote:

      When we had our septic pumped (we use scott btw) the fellow that pumped it told us that Charmin is the WORST TP for your tank, it breaks into cloud-like puffs that don’t break down and it causes the most damage to tanks, clogging them and making a mess of them. He asked us what we were using because our tank looked great and we only pump it once every 10-15 Years. I told him SCOTT.

      Unless you have city sewer and dont care about paying to have it fixed I would stay as far away from Charmin & other “fluffy” toilet paper as you can.

      Ack! We do have a septic. Just purchased this place about a year ago. Had it pumped as part of the purchase. Maybe we haven’t done too much damage. 🙁

    • #449920

      I have lived in my house for 16 years, have used scott for most of those years and have only had to have my septic tank pumped once (and that was due to a friend staying with us flushing feminine products), so I REALLY feel like Scott is the best value around if you have a septic tank!

    • #450060

      I really liked Scott Soft until they changed it. I went on a mission to find something else and still haven’t found it yet! I’m still using the Scott Soft but I don’t like it as much and it doesn’t last a long.

    • #451419

      I use an off brand that I found at dollar general. Its soft, strong, and its 2 ply. You don’t have to use a lot. Everything I could ask for in toilet paper. Its cheap too. I pay $10.00 For 34 rolls. For a family of six it last about a month and a half to two months.

    • #451447

      I buy the Scott and I buy the biggest one I can get a little less than twice a year at Sam’s. It is really about once every 8 months. There are only two of us, but we have company a lot. I spend about $50 a year on toilet paper. The package is huge and storage is an issue so it has to live in my bedroom closet, but it is well worth the savings!

    • #451461

      Scott is a better price but family always ends up using more then there really isn’t any savings. We like Angel Soft. It is two ply and almost always on sale or a coupon is available.

    • #451515

      I always buy Scott tissue also, it lasts longer for me

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