Bargains I have found lately! Pictures too

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Bargains I have found lately! Pictures too

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    • #261891

      Hi all!

      I have added several pictures to the Bargain Album in the groups photo section.

      I made a couple of mistakes, but it isn’t set up for us to delete or edit our

      pictures, so I’ll correct them here.

      I have been on a bargain hunt lately! The conversation we had a few weeks about

      about Christmas w/ No or Little $$ got me going!!

      The first picture, $3 frame and $4.50 print caption- Frame is from Walmart,

      print is from Hobby Lobby. HL had the prints 50% off. I am redecorating my

      bedroom, and these prints worked great!! So for $15, I got two pretty pictures!

      The second picture, shows the prints in the frames, with the pillow sham from my

      new coverlet set. Coverlet set was on clearance for $40, for the king size. It

      is so soft and gorgeous. Light weight enough to use in the summer too! So that

      is $3.33 a month.

      Walgreens has a lot of things on clearance, all over the store. The next 2

      pictures is clear photo box frames. They come in pkgs of 2, several sizes… .25

      for the smaller sizes and .50 8×10 size! School pictures of kids make great

      gifts!! These are pretty frames and because they are clear, you don’t have to

      worry about them not “working” in someone else’s home! Also, I had an idea, to

      use them to organize with!

      Picture #5, is a Home Interior Picture I found at Big Lots. YEP it is a REAL

      Home Interior picture, for $10. Not sure if you have heard, but Home Interior is

      bank rupt and as far as I know, going out of business. So keep your eyes open at

      close out stores like Big Lots!!

      Picture #7, Is brown curtain panels, $9 each at Ross. So, $18 a window!

      Picture #8- Is from Big Lots, $10. (not a Home Interior pic, couldn’t correct my

      mistake) I love this picture! I actually took the Home Interior Picture back

      because I decided to stay with the brown theme instead of black!

      Picture #9- From Walgreens- I found the candlesticks there for $2.00 a set of 3.

      I bought 2 boxes. I plan on getting the candles to go with them at the Dollar

      Tree- Gift cost- $5 +tax.

      TODAY, I “had a feeling” to go to a certain Goodwill store in our area. Boy am I

      glad I did!! I love to scrapbook. I found the

      12 x 12 Cropper Hopper vertical paper holders, for $1.50. ( retail $7.95)

      I also found a beautiful round glass platter, great for cakes and such, for

      .75!!! A friend of mine had a family member pass away and I was going to make

      her a pound cake, but I didn’t want her to worry about getting the cake plate

      back to me…… guess what I’m putting the cake on!! The platter for .75 and

      she gets to keep it! Then I had a light bulb moment, this is a great idea to do

      all the time when you are cooking for someone else! Buy nice dishes cheaply and

      let them keep it as a gift. They can always pass it on to someone else.

      no pictures for the items below

      I got a wall mountable coat rack for my sons room, for $1.00. Just needs to be


      I also found a Home Interior Picture in a “ball theme” that works perfectly in

      my sons room for $2, looks brand new!!

      A few months ago, we found a solid wood full size headboard/footboard for our

      sons room for $15!! Can’t beat that!!

      At our church we give Sunshine baskets to the elderly. I found a gorgeous glass

      heart candy dish, for $1.00. I think it will be perfect to put what else but

      Hugs/ Kisses in it along with a card!!

      JC Penny had a $10 off coupon this past week. I found lamps in ball theme logos,

      had been $100, then $80, marked down to $15….. I got it for $5.00 . My niece

      love the Tar Heels, guess what lamp I found her!! I included a link to a lamp

      simular to the one I found.



      I just wanted to share some of my bargain finds with the group!! I hope this

      inspires someone who thought they couldn’t have gifts this Christmas! You can

      find great things, CHEAP, if you look enough!!

      Dawn Rhodes

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Bargains I have found lately! Pictures too