August downers

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    • #262026

      The last 2 Augusts we have had really tight months and feel so drowned

      in debt. My children are homeschooled and we do not do the array of new

      clothes like most people do in August or we would be in big trouble. We

      drained our emergency savngs. We just want to get back on track.

      Ideally my husband needs to get a new job, closer to home.

      We are expecting. We do not know how insurance usually works when you

      switch jobs (as this is my husband’s first job for working for someone

      in his life). Do most have you work so many days before they cover

      insurance? If he switched jobs and I was not covered by insurance does

      medicaid pick up pregnant people even if they do not fall in poverty



    • #397947

      Re: : August downers

      Yes, he would have to wait a certain amount of time before he would be
      covered. Then they may say that the pregnancy was pre existing and
      not cover you also.

      Usually the wait is 3 to 6 months. Depends on the insurance company
      and the requirements for probation on new hires for the job.

      If you wanted to find out if you would be covered by any assistance
      medical coverage why he changed jobs I would reccomend that you
      contact and speak with those agencys in person, or on the phone. That
      way you would have a clear answer according to your income and

    • #397945

      Re: August downers

      Not sure what state you’re in, but most states have a program for preg. moms and they will prob apply to you in this situation. Go to/call your local health dept.

      and ask them about the state program. Good luck with your pregnancy and with your husband getting a job!


    • #397932

      Re:August downers

      You should apply for Medicaid even if he doesn’t switch jobs. If they deny you then you can still get WIC which will help a lot with basic food while you are pregnant and after you have the baby. The people at the Medicaid office can also point you in the right direction as far as getting care even if you are denied for Medicaid.

      For example, the local health department here runs a clinic for women who are pregnant but don’t have any insurance and are denied for Medicaid.

    • #397934

      Re: : August downers

      In Iowa, it takes any where from 3 to 6 months before insurance kicks in. Some
      companies will also add you right away but not many.

      As for Medicaid, it goes by your income but the income level is pregant woman
      and non-pregnant women. You could actually sign up now to find out if you are
      eligible. I had private insurance but had to get medicaid because no doctor will
      see you for a pregnancy unless you pay your portion upfront.

      Another alternative
      is to find a womens health services office (might be called something else in
      your state), they provide free pre-natal care if you don’t have medicaid or


    • #397933

      Re: : August downers

      Your husband would need to talk to the HR person at his new job and they can explain how it works. Each company is different, the insurance could start the same day he starts or more typically it could start 90 days after his start date. Can he not wait to change jobs till after the baby is born so you don’t have to worry about these things??


    • #397972

      Completely depends on the job. I have been at places that make you wait 6 months, and the place I am at now covered me from day one.

      If he finds a job, I would ask. But don’t leave one that has insurance now and hope you find something. You need good coverage for a baby – never know what can happen.

    • #397968

      I am not sure how that works. I have been with the same employer for almost 20 years.
      Health insurance – we just choose a company from the various plans after comparing during open season – usually in Oct/Nov/Dec and it goes into effect fully in January of the next year.


    • #397957

      t depends upon the business he works for (whether it’s big or small)
      and the group insurance. It’s pretty common to have a “waiting”
      period before insurance really goes into affect, some it’s 30 days but
      we’ve had to wait as long as 90 days. We have also kept the insurance
      from where he left at (I think it’s called “Cobra”)but we had to pay
      the full premiums ourselves.

      We did this until new insurance took
      into effect. Will they cover your pregnancy? Not sure, some will and
      some won’t (because it’s preexisting) but I think that most group
      insurances will especially if it is a larger business.

      last year we were caught off guard by a surprise pregnancy and no
      maternity insurance coverage. we paid out-of-pocket for a
      midwife/birthing center (would have done so even if we had good
      insurance) but i did sign up for the medicaid that our state offers
      just for the off-chance that i needed to see an ob/hospital (we don’t
      mind paying a “fair” share but geeze maneeze we don’t need a $10,000+
      bill). I was surprised at the generous (or what I call generous)
      allowance for income to qualify and they counted the unborn baby
      (which made it easier to qualify).

      It’s definitely worth picking up
      the phone and calling them about.


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