Are we qualified for a housing loan?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Are we qualified for a housing loan?

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    • #261775

      My future hubby’s credit is shaky; mine is excellent. I own a home

      now, and any house we get in the future will be in my name only in

      order to get an excellent interest rate. I know I qualify on my own.


      — In, “richnbeth.garner”



      > Hi everyone, I want to know if we are qualified for a housing loan

      > even if we have no good credit standing? No good in the sense that we

      > are still having a unnegotiated debt in my hubby’s credit card. I

      > really wanted to have my own house to stay. thank you for your future

      > replies.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Are we qualified for a housing loan?