anyone use a household notebook

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List anyone use a household notebook

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    • #260575

      Out of curiosity I found the download site where you can now get the

      program for Windows only if you want. I downloaded the free 30 day

      trial to see if I like it well enough to keep it for Windows and/or

      my PDA.

      Love the original prices associated with the program…bananas .79 a

      unit?? Does this mean ONE banana or one pound?? Either way it gave

      me a giggle. :))



      — In, “J Diane Northcutt”



      > I agree Slash Shopper is well worth it!

      > Diane

      Original Message

      > From: Chris Riley

      > To:

      > Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:12 PM

      > Subject: : Re:anyone use a household notebook



      > Do you mean like a price notebook? There has been several

      threads on this topic in the recent past. But one thing I did learn

      from the past discussions was about using Splash Shopper software for

      your PDA. Now I go paperless grocery shopping! I never forget to get

      anything, I know exactly how much stuff costs (and can change easily

      in my PDA), then go home and sync to my computer and I’m done! The

      $30 for the purchase is well worth it!


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List anyone use a household notebook