Any Beekeepers out there?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Any Beekeepers out there?

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    • #338949
      Melissa Burnell

      We’re thinking of starting a couple hives and keeping our own bees – namely because I go through a lot of honey (or would if I could my hands on it readily) as well as the beeswax.

      Do you raise your own bees? How long have you been doing it? Is it expensive for you? Any tips for newbies?

      I found a seminar here put on by our State Beekeeping association and we’re really looking forward to attending it, but I’d love to hear your thoughts if you have any experience with it!


    • #451202

      I know when I lived in VA, if you contacted the state bee association, there were people who needed land for their hives. They would care for everything and I charged them the rent of free honey.

    • #451722

      My husband has kept bees all his life, but now only has 2 or 3 hives to pollinate his garden. His family always made their own hives since there wasn’t a lot of money in those days. I’m sure that there are better tips and techniques now on how to raise bees, so it’s a good idea for you to go to the experts since you are just starting out.

      I always liked to watch when the bees swarmed and my husband would catch them. Of course, I was a good distance away while that was going on. I’ve heard that local honey is good medicinally for allergies, etc.

    • #453012
      KarenPolk this website will help you to get whatever you want.

    • #455795
      Jennifer Green

      In recent weeks we have been talking about getting into bee keeping. We have a really small orchard, so this would be beneficial as well as the space for it at the back of our property. What is stopping me is that I have no idea where to begin.

      I remember one of my dads friends having hives when I was a kid. I think just the experience alone may be worth trying it out.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Any Beekeepers out there?