another bad Wal Mart experience

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    • #271713

      I have in the past had some bad experiences at Wal Mart trying to use coupons. If it doesn’t scan in their register they won’t take it. Some binkies I’ve picked from the boxes at other stores have been refused even though they aren’t store specific and are manufacturers Q’s.

      When I complained to the store manager last time I was told to ask for a salaried member of management if I ran into a problem with Q’s.

      Today I tried to use two coupons on two products. One was a $2 mq on a glade scented oil holder, the other was a mq buy one holder get one free.
      i was accused of trying to double coupon them.

      my coupon was for $2/1 so I though I could use it to buy my first product and then use the other coupon to get the second one free. Management did not agree with me and said I could use one or the other but not both. Even after I tried to explain that I was purchasing one (just using the coupon to reduce the price) and that my other coupon states that if I purchase one I could get one free.

      They kept reading me the highlighted rules and told me I was wrong and trying to double coupon them.

      since i was already dealing with management i got totally frustrated and ended up telling her i would just make my purchase elsewhere.

      i shop walmartfor items i can’t get cheaper at other stores but i hate using q’s there, such a hassle.

      i’d like the opinion of some of you more experiences couponers on this site.

      was i wrong in the way i was trying to use my q’s? i try to be very careful about the product, size and etc. when using q’s and don’t intentionally use them incorrectly.

      just thought i was right on this one and can’t understand why it was considered double couponing.

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    • #417773

      I buy so very little any more at Walmart. forget using coupons there . I just have a set list of things I get there.

      the folks at my local Walmart are very nice and that helps but Headquarters has taken so much control. by golly local Walmart’s can’t even turn on their own lights or heat! We had a severe storm pass over last year that went on for over 2 hours and it was pitch black in the store and it took Bentonville 70 minutes to turn on the lights!

      I hope they know they are in process of putting themselves out of business! We use to spend over $200 a week there and now we never spend over $50 for the whole month!

    • #417775
      i hope they know they are in process of putting themselves out of business!

      i hate to say this cause shopping at wal-mart isn’t a great experience for me either but i highly doubt wal-mart is going anywhere. especially if you live in somewhat of a small town/city and the best place is wal-mart for prices. i try to avoid wal-mart for the most part since i shop for groceries at our local commissary or i check the sales flyers for other local grocery stores.

      trying to use coupons at wal-mart is totally out of the question cause i always get hassled even when i know i’m using them correctly.

    • #417776

      I would love to see them go out of business.

    • #417777

      I buy all our food at the commissary! their stuff is a much higher quality and not even Walmart can touch the prices we get there! But of course I live way out in the country and our Walmart has very little competition!

      Our local manager lets us know if we have a problem to write the company. Ours didn’t carry older car parts just newer model parts so after she told us she wasn’t allowed to have them in our local store over 5000 people wrote Walmart protesting as most folks in our very rural area drive 10 year old or older cars! We now have older model car parts.

      The manager can’t get what they know they need but we the people do at least have a voice if we can band together and make it heard! But I’m far from the only one who takes my business elsewhere. Sooner or later their practices are going to catch up with them.

      I only shop once a month and drive the 90 miles to go shop where I can get the best prices. I mostly go to Walmart to buy fabric, bleach for my water system (uses 10 gallons a month) and occasionally a gallon of milk if I miss getting it from my Amish neighbor and run out of what I have frozen.

    • #417778

      I have to say that this doesn’t surprise me !!! walmart makes me sick. i wish so badly that they could get a taste of there own medicine but just like mmclean11 said I highly doubt that they are going anywhere.

      I think that you were trying to use the coupons coreectly and were not trying to do anything wrong. The manager there was just stupid !!!!!

    • #417785

      I used to shop at Wal-Mart for almost everything, including groceries, but when it got to the point where i really wanted to pay off bills and cut down on spending, i started going to our commissary. i don’t like the fact that it’s somewhat of a small one but it meets our basic needs for food. now, if i want something our commissary doesn’t carry i remember i have to go to wal-mart and i ask myself if i really want to go there.

      the answer is almost always no!….lol

    • #417802

      Unfortunately, the managers at wm were not wrong this time. you can’t use a cents off coupon & a bogo coupon together. i know, it seems illogical, but usually in the coupon it will say something about it.

      also, the coupons usually state that you cannot use 2 coupons on the same item. Since, technically, the bogo coupon is considered to be used on both products, you then can’t use another coupon with it. sorry that you’re having such frustration at wm.

      i hardly shop there anymore.

    • #417804

      @Niddi 112275 wrote:

      Today I tried to use two coupons on two products. One was a $2 MQ on a Glade Scented Oil holder, the other was a MQ buy one holder get one free.
      I was accused of trying to double coupon them. My coupon was for $2/1 so I though I could use it to buy my first product and then use the other coupon to get the second one free. .

      Okay, if I am reading this correctly, in order to properly use the 2 coupons you listed, you should have ended up with 3 products in all:

      1. Glade Scented Oil holder, Use $2 MQ
      2. Glade Scented Oil holder, Purchased at Full Price, Use B1G1 MQ
      3. Glade Scented Oil holder, Free Item using above b1g1

      You cannot use a coupon on an item you received for “free” using a BOGO coupon because it is not considered a Purchase. That would be considered Coupon Stacking, which is generally prohibited.

    • #417812
      Janice Terrell

      I totally understand how everyone feels about W.M. Years ago I used to work retail. Hidden in the tiny print on many coupons it states “cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers”.

      many retailers use that to limit the use of coupons. they want their money right then – they don’t want to wait to be reimbursed by the manufacturer.

    • #417817

      I try to avoid our Wal-Mart as much as possible. Buying the store brand items from Publix has proven cheaper for me than buying regular items from Wal-Mart.

      I had a coupon problem the other day. I went to Dollar General and had two $1/1 Qs for Carefree pantie liners. They were priced at $1 each and the Qs wouldn’t scan so the manager wouldn’t take them off.

      Is that standard? She said if it was the same price as the Q they couldn’t do it. I went down the road to Family Dollar, same price, same problem where the Qs wouldn’t scan but this time the cashier put them in manually and was so happy for me.

      “Wow, these are great Qs, something for free,” she said.

    • #417821

      Very rarely do I use Walmart when I coupon, the area I’m in — they seem a little higher in prices.. CVS, Dollar and Family Dollar all have better prices.. And when shopping these stores, I pick and choose my cashier..

      Why because I know that this person is up to date on the policies of coupons..And then they keep me up to date as well or run the other way when I come into the store Lollll. The store managers are even starting to get to know me Lolll.

    • #417826

      I have had a few bad experiences at Walmart too. Although I feel forced to shop there occasionally, since their prices are much lower, I try to find my things elsewhere. I too have dropped my shopping there from $150 a month to about $40 now.

      I totally understand how you feel. Hopefully today will be a better day.

    • #417828

      I am a Walmart Hater. This is one place I do not, will not and do not tell others to go. I think that Walmart Executives need belly up and start honoring the coupons or they are going to lose a lot of business.

      I feel sorry for those that have to rely on this place to get the coupons.

    • #417862

      I don’t shop at Wal Mart as much as I used to. In my area they will take clip coupons, but nothing else. So I don’t even try to use anything else.

      I don’t really hate Wal Mart, I just hate going because of the crowds. I hate having to fight my way through the store to get what I need. But I do have to break down once in awhile just to get the items I need.

      So sorry to hear that so many of you have had such a bad time at this store. I guess since I’ve lived here in this area all of my life, I know everyone, so it really doesn’t bother me as bad. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon, so I’ve just come to realize that some things are cheaper, but not all things.

    • #417867

      Thank you everyone for your input on this. According to several of you I may have been using this coupon incorrectly. I have previously used a BOGO coupon and used a coupon to reduce the price of the first item and never had a problem with it or been questioned about it.

      I never thought of this as stacking. Will refrain in the future if this is not above board. Certainly don’t want to create any problems for the many coupon users out there.

      We get enough problems from non coupon friendly stores and cashiers.

      Was in Walgreens the other day and tried to use a $1 Q on a 92cent closeout expecting they would adjust the coupon. Wrong! Cashier told me it was not their policy to accept coupons for more than the amount of the product or to adjust them.I said ,Thank You, please void out my purchase and return my coupon.
      I’m learning where not to use coupons.

      Don’t have to shop Walgreens, cvs loves me and my coupons. lol

      at publix i have one cashier that scrutanizes every one of my coupons, last week i gave her a coupon and told her it was at a very good price if she wanted to try the product. today i was at the register next to her and she stepped over to tell me that she got the bertolli oven bake and really liked it, then she proceeded to ask about the tgif skillet meals (i had 7 of them that my cashier was ringing up) wanted to know what the price was and if they were good. I told her I’d never tried it but at $2 I was willing to.

      I then gave her a Q for it (freezer restrictions-or I would have bought more). She seemed pleased. I think I may be on the way to turning an unfriendly cashier into a coupon friendly one.

    • #417868

      You go Lady !!! It was really sweet that you let things go and shared some coupons as well…love smiley

    • #417872

      Well gee I had a good Walmart experience today! We went in for plaid fabric to make skirts for our Scottish Dance class we just started taking and they were so very helpful. We got milk and cheese and crackers and the manager actually gave use coupons for each of them!

      We went back later on to pick up some wooden dowels and they actually told us if we went across the street to Orschelins we could get them in 48″ instead of 36″ and they were cheaper! I told the manager her ears must of been burning with our we hate Walmart campaign online! She laughed and said she’d do her best to keep us all happy in her corner of the world!

      I don’t often have a good experience at Walmart but both trips today were good for once! Doesn’t mean I’ll go there any more than I do though!

    • #417895

      it seems like people are getting great service from walmart or really crappy service. i know my cousin and i were stuck waiting at the tire section for 3 hours just to hear they couldn’t change the oil. even when the first words out of my mouth were “the dipstick is supposedly broke.

      can you still change the oil?” they said yeah it shouldn’t be a problem. urgh.

      sometimes it’s great at walmart.. but others it’s like something from dante’s inferno..

    • #417904

      Sometimes I think that the employees don’t communacate to will with each other. One will say something and the other will say something else. It must be the employee turn over they have.

      The new ones haven’t figured it out yet. I don’t shop there but maybe once a month, I cut back because I was spending to much money there at one point. So I forced myself not to go as much.

    • #418653

      Wow. Lot of bad experiences here. I have never had a problem at our Walmart.

      Not in service, nor in use of coupons. Usually, the cashiers see me coming and run :037: because I usually don’t have less than $50.00 in coupons on my monthly trip. There are specific cashiers I won’t go to because I know they’re Oscar the Grouch, but other than that, I haven’t had a problem there.

      Granted, our town is growing, but the prices in general still seem to be best at our Walmart. I will do sales shoppings each week, to stock up on items at other stores where the price is better for the week, but for the most part, it’s Walmart. With me getting laid off, it’s not like I have a choice even if Walmart was the worst place in town.

      I watch every penny.

    • #458938

      I think one of the biggest problems with all big box stores like walmart, target, etc is the lack of continuity in training. It seems like each store has its own rendition of the corporate policy. In some stores the cashiers are trained, some stores they aren’t and the interpretation is left up to the individual cashiers (who frequently don’t know the difference between a transaction and an item.)

      I gave up on couponing long ago for this reason, it was a constant fight and we sere spending 20-30 minutes every trip with literal definitions in writing to teach/train the cashiers to help them. The managers aren’t much better in most cases. For me, it’s easier to order what I need on Amazon and avoid the stores at all costs.


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List another bad Wal Mart experience