**ANNOUNCEMENT** WhooHoo!!!!!

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List **ANNOUNCEMENT** WhooHoo!!!!!

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    • #259546
      Melissa Burnell

      Hello Budget101 Members ! ! ! !

      I wanted to take a moment to let you know that we have Completely Redone our forums and added tons of excellent new features, including:

      1. Blogs- now our registered users can create their very own blogs and customize them as they wish. Care to share your frugal living tips, trials and tribulations on your very ownblog? Feel free to jump in with both feet!

      2. Reputation Points- Users can earn points based on their posts or suggestions.

      3. Ranking- now you can rank any post with a star system, give it 1 star if it’s okay, give it 5 stars if it’s great. A great help if you’re looking for the best freebies/Coupon deals to print.

      4. I have changed the ad placement in the forums.Oncea user registers& logs in, the ads in the entire right hand side completely disappear.

      5. I’ve added a Navigation bar for various features of the budget101.com site – need to get to the coupons quick, it’s on the left.. need to reach the grocery guide to print out your customized grocery list of all the sales in the area, once again, right on the left! 🙂

      6. I’ve added a Calendar- to post New events (for example- upcoming deals and sales that start on specific dates).

      7. The forum also has lots of new little features that I haven’t taken the time to list here (well, after all I do have dinner cooking on the grill and who wants to eat burnt chicken??)

      As always, the forum registration is free and so are our new blogs and features. One caveat, if you have previously registered, you will need to reset your password as this is a completely different software program and we want to insure the security of any and all data. 🙂

      Visit the New Forums now at https://www.budget101.com

      ~Enjoy !~
      Listmom & Creator/Designer of http://www.Budget101.com

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List **ANNOUNCEMENT** WhooHoo!!!!!