All About You . . .

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    • #321556
      Melissa Burnell

      These challenge questions have been really eye opening and we’re learning a lot, but alas, we want to know about you and what you want! this lucky random winner(s) from this challenge will receive a choice of a Super Laundry Sauce kit or a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
      we’re making this one a little more challenging! in order to enter this challenge, you must answer all of the challenge questions:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      So Who’s game to play?


    • #442117

      @Budget101 323053 wrote:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      So Who’s game to play?

      of course i’m game to play, who wouldn’t be after already winning a challenge!!

      1. I saw a post on Facebook about the super laundry sauce and loved the idea of making detergent for under two bucks.

      2. I like the myo mixes and the homemade cleaners.

      3. Prepackaged snack foods.

      4. How to make snacks and lunches cheap for the kids, how to make chemical free cleaners, and get some homemade gift ideas for the upcoming holidays.

      5. Yes, actually, do you have a homemade twinkie recipe?

      6. I love the amazon gift cards, but I think it’s fun to get random surprise items like you do on the Free Stuff drawings every month. It’s nice to know that someone is really reading my posts, especially when it’s the people that actually own the site.

      That’s rare.

      Thank you for all that you do, our whole family really appreciates this treasure we found.

    • #442118

      ) I came to this site because I saw a posting on making laundry detergent. 2) I just joined a few hours ago and so have not had a chance to explore. I like ideas that are DIY and use natural ingredients, so will be keeping my eyes out for those.

      But I am open to learning most anything. 3) We raise free range poultry, pigs (now in our freezer), and have a Clydesdale and an Ox. Our feed and hay bill would be the highest payment after mortgage.

      4) I hope to learn more self sufficient ideas that are healthy without chemicals, and things I haven’t thought about. 5) Since I am new, I have not yet searched and looked around. I have been looking for many years for a cake recipe that my Mom used to make.

      It was SO good and we got so fat, she threw it away. It is for chocolate chip whipped cream cake. I will be looking for that.

      Otherwise, I am excited to see what’s out there. Bonus Question: I don’t know what a Super Laundry Sauce Kit is, but I never pass up a good gift. So either one is great with me.

    • #442244

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) –

      I was looking for a dishwasher soap recipe and some pet care recipes

      2. What areas of the site most interest you?

      Pet care stuff, homemade cleaners, etc

      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      Cell Phones.

      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Friends that understand what I’m going through trying ot live on a meager budget

      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Homemade Dishwasher soap that actually works, herbal & essential oil recipes, and that’s about it.

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      Automatic Ad-free subscription 😉

    • #442120

      1. What Brought you here? (How did you find the site?)
      I saw a post on FB regarding the Super Laundry Sauce and was curious about the site.

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      I’m still exploring it, so I’m really not sure what I’ll like the best. I love crafts, gardening, diy, and of course recipes!!! so i’m
      anxious to check out those links. :d

      Aside from House/rent, what do you spend the most money on every month?
      GROCERIES!!! Whew!
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?
      Ways to save $$$!

      Is there something you’ve been searching for – recipe, idea, etc?
      Just curious about the laundry sauce – which I hope to try… SOON!! 🙂
      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?
      Actually, the Amazon Gift Card is perfect, because you can get just about anything with it.

      Thanks for starting this site!! I think I’m really going to enjoy it and hopefully learn a lot! 😀

    • #442121

      *What brought me here was someone had posted the recipe for Super Laundry sauce on my facebook page and I clicked on the link to check it out….then I was hooked!
      *The MYO section and the Challenges
      *money saving tips. Being a single parent homeschooling family we are on a very tight budget!
      *I’m trying to learn how to make my own bread, so bread recipes(not bread machine recipes) would be good.
      **Would like to win an Amazon gift card please

    • #442122

      what brought me here was when we were trying to cut down on our groceries I found this website and was so glad I did!
      What interests me the most is mostly the Menu planning, but also the recipes, You have got some Awesome recipes!!!
      WE used to spend the most on groceries about $450 a month now we only spend around $250-$275 a month, so now we spend the most on Health insurance(which we never use! what a waste!)
      i want to learn even more about menu planning and how you come up with your menu plans!
      i had been searching for a laundry detergent that didn’t take up as much room as the duggars laundry detergent(5 gallons) and then I found your Laundry sauce! I love it!

      and now most of my family makes it! it is sooo easy to make! i would like to find a dishwasher detergent that actually works now and maybe some liquid dish soap!

      as far as prizes go i would almost always prefer an amazon gift card, i get quite a bit of our health groceries on amazon( coconut flour, stevia,etc..) , so that would save money on groceries even more. or any kind of kitchen appliance or accessories that make cooking easier, like canning jars( you can never have enough) or some other neat things that you have given away that i would like to try!

    • #442123

      Well I posted, but it didn’t show up.
      1. I was searching for a menu planner and this site came up.
      2. MYO I love making what I need from what I already have.

      car notes, gasoline, and insurance, so I guess you would say transportation.
      4. Recipes for smaller families
      5. Complete menu plan for a month so I can order the groceries I need and have them by the time I need them.
      Bonus: Love the gift card idea, although I never win.

    • #442124
      Anita Sharp

      I was brought to your site by the temptation of your Super Laundry Sauce recipe!! I am most interested in the homemade household cleaning items, coupons, freebies, and money saving ideas! In a month, I probably spend the most money on grocery and household shopping next to rent/house payment!

      I hope to learn great, creative ideas for homemaking and money savings- things that I can easily implement into my household without causing a panic! And…I am ALWAYS searching for time and money saving ideas. I also love to make my own household cleaners, etc.

      so that I can avoid many of the caustic chemicals in commercially made products! I also love creative and handmade gift ideas, and re-purposing items. I enjoy cooking and collecting recipes, so that is a nice bonus!

    • #442125

      1. I saw the sites post on FB about the “Super Laundry Sauce” and checked it out…I can’t wait to try it.

      2. I like the crafts and recipes/homemade ideas.

      3. Shoping at Wal-Mart.

      4. Ways to make a dollar go farther buy using the ideas I see on your site…aka the Super Laundry Sauce.

      5. I’m trying to lose weight, so in general I’m always looking for new ways to make “healthy” desserts/foods.

      6. I like the idea of giving away somethin from the site like the Super Laundry Sauce kit…however, you can never go wrong with a gift card, thats a great idea also.

    • #442129

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) – I had been here several years ago to look up dry mix recipes and recently came back to get more ideas to help reduce my budget, I don’t remember how I originally found the site.

      What areas of the site most interest you? the recipe section, though I need to start exploring more of the other sections
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      credit card debt 🙁 and school loans, we’re drowning in it
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? always looking for easy things to make, but now we do low carb eating to I find it even harder to find cheap low carb meals (pasta is not an option for us)

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc? usually looking for meal ideas
      onus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions? Gift cards are always great, especially if it’s someplace generic that everyone has access to

    • #442135

      1. What Brought me here is a Face book post.
      2. Still Lurking 😉 but of course saving and creating

      Have a high car payment 🙁
      4. hope to learn how to live on a budget
      5. searching for couponing ideas

      Prizes are always nice…

      surpise me 🙂

    • #442137
      Kathy Russo

      1.My Cousin Ginnie invited me to like your site on FaceBook & I love it
      2. Canning,coupons,home made things like the laundry sauce
      3.Food! laundry soap, treats for my dog Max!

      how to be more budget minded & make & cook more stuff at home
      5. Im still having fun going through your site! love looking at ideas & recipes

      I like prizes that would benefit from your sites ideas, like the things it takes to make the soap, or coupon book, or stay at home things to do with the family.. grocery store gift cards

    • #442139

      1. I saw a post for the Laundry Sauce on pintrest.
      2. The MYO recipes.

      Groceries and pool chemicals.
      4. Easy and economical ways to improve my household budget.
      5. myo liquid hand soap that you don’t have to shake up before you use it and a myo bath bar soap (we really go through a lot).

      bonus: i would like to see more blenders, coffee makers, mason jars (because i have to give away so much laundry sauce), gas cards, staples gift cards (for school supplies, since it’s almost that time again).

    • #442142
      April Bradford

      What brought me here,I seen a post on facebook.
      The areas that most interest me r the do-it-urselves.
      The thing we spend the most money other than he house is groceries.
      What I would like to learn/find on here is more recipes for cleaning and laundry.
      There r really nothing specific that I have been looking for.

    • #442145

      @Budget101 323053 wrote:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      So Who’s game to play?

      1- Pinterest brought me here! The specific recipe was the powdered cream of chicken soup mix. The chemicals in the canned stuff…


      2- The diy – make your own. i love the budget aspect, but also the aspect of knowing what is in the stuff i put in and on my body. i’m a little freaked out with all the news about how poorly the fda is taking care of us these days.

      why can’t we have non gmo like other countries…but i digress!
      3- Our cars are the biggest expenditures besides rent. But once you remove that, it is no question, food and non food groceries.
      4- Creative ways to save money that dont feel like you are depriving yourself or family. Also, recipes to make old favorites with natural ingredients.
      5- I am taking a new interest in natural cleaners like Castile soup, which can be used in so many creative ways.

      Would love to see new ideas around old products.

      I would love a new car! Kidding kidding. I would like gift cards, new products that hit the market, really anything would make me happy!

    • #442147

      1.I found the site on Facebook.
      2.I love the cleaning products and the mixes.
      3.Food and Gas.
      4.I am hoping to learn about all kinds of new ideas for taking care of my home and my family with good cooking ideas.
      5.I’m open to all things new and innovative! I love the gift cards and also products.

    • #442148

      I found this site thru Facebook and the Laundry soap and since I am on a FIXED income must save every penny I can

    • #442130

      Being a widow I spend a lot on food,utilities etc.
      I am interested in all things on your website I always look at your post on Facebook and have several friens who post I have never searched your site as I only found it exisited when I shared the laundry soap thanks

    • #442153

      1. Saw a link on Facebook for the laundry soap.
      2. Just getting started but frugal living, gift ideas, and coupons sound great.

      Tuition for our kids’ school.
      4. Low cost things to do/make with kids; cost saving tips.
      5. Cleaners without all the toxic chemicals.

      Surprise prizes are the best.

    • #442158

      1) I joined in 2008 it is hard to remember how I discovered the site. I think I was entering sweepstakes and can across Freebies (new to me), then after searching Freebies, the site came up and I have been a member ever since.

      2) I enjoy the Freebies and the few sweepstakes that are listed. I also use the coupon area when I am looking for a specific coupon.

      3) Other than rent, I would have to say Food is our 2nd highest expense

      4) I like the Craft & Holiday sections, get great ideas, just wish people would post more pictures of the items.

      5) There is nothing specific that I have wanted to look for on the site lately.

      Using the search function, it is pretty easy to find what you are looking for, if not if I have a question I just ask and someone normally gets back to me.

      Bonus: Like most Amazon is the best, since you can buy just about anything there. But I also like the ‘Kits’ it is different and some of the items are not to be found in some areas.

    • #442160

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) The homemade mixes recipes

      What areas of the site most interest you? The homemade mixes recipes and the MYO recipes
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? MYO household cleaners, mixes, condiments

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc? not really I usually find it here if I am looking for something.

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions? Gift cards to amazon, spa gift cards.

    • #442162

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) I saw something about the laundry soap on Facebook & was interested.

      What areas of the site most interest you? The “make your own” sections – cleaning supplies, toiletries, etc. so far.

      Just now discovering all that’s there!
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month? Groceries, toiletries, etc.

      What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? Tips, recipes, etc. that will help me run my household more efficiently

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?
      Laundry soap recipe, which I found. Would love to find a good moisturizer recipe, although I did find one for cold cream.

    • #442164

      1) I saw the laundry detergent recipe and wanted to try it. I haven’t been liking the tide lately and feel like my clothes aren’t very clean even with cleaning my front loader washing machine out.
      2) Things I can make at home instead of spending more money on buying like the laundry detergent.
      3) Groceries or my Wen
      4) Good ice cream reccipes

    • #442168

      I found this site on FaceBook, was looking through posts and found the Super Laundry Sauce.

      2. There is so much on this site, and I am so excited, the diy things, weight loss, and budgeting are my first stops.

      3. Grocery Bills, household stuff. It has become quite difficult to make ends meet.

      4. I am looking for ways to make money go farther, and learn how to make my own stuff. I have to admit, I don’t (or haven’t) enjoyed cooking and I think this is the place for me to learn to enjoy it.

      I also am excited to hear from other people, what they learned, tips and tricks and possible friendships.

      5. I would love some ideas for healthy skin care products, weight and diabetes control ideas, recipes for dishwasher cleaner (mine doesn’t work well). I am going to jump in with both feet and search out what is already here.

      I would love soap making kits, books on budgeting, ideas for home improvements.. I love surprises best of all…
      I am so very happy to have found this site!!!

    • #442170

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)
      Found you on FB

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      I think it is easier to say what is of least interest to me, which would be the coupons as I rarely buy name-brand items and have never been a coupon diva.
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      Like everyone else it would be food….and gas!
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?
      New ways to do old things, or revived old ways, frugal gift ideas.

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?
      Browsing through the sections, I find things I never knew I didn’t know, or things that make me go ‘duh’ occasionally.

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?
      I like things that don’t require electricity, like old fashioned hand blenders, ice cream and butter makers, etc., along with books!

    • #442171

      1. I found this website after I purchased the Kindle book: How to Feed a Family of 4 or More for Less than $200 a Month and found all the great resources linked to the webpage here.
      2. The areas of the site that interest me most are the healthy recipes and the $50 weekly meal plans
      3. Unfortunately our second highest monthly expense is still groceries
      4. I hope to learn more money saving tips and great recipes
      5. I would love to see more budget family low carb recipes.

      Bonus: I love the idea of the kits as prizes 🙂 Very useful!!!

    • #442179

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)
      I happened upon this site when a fb friend shared a pic of the “Super Laundry Sauce”.

      2. What areas of the site most interest you?
      Love things made naturally!

      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      Groceries. There’s just not enough money.

      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?
      I am recently unemployed and was so happy to find this site. I’m hoping I can spend less on necessities and make my dollars go further.

      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?
      I am loving it all. Since I’m new to the site, I’m still finding great ideas.

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?
      On this challenge, I would love to win the the “Super laundry Sauce Kit”.

      So Who’s game to play?
      I AM!

    • #442182

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)I saw a link on Facebook for the Super Laundry Sauce and was intrigued.

      What areas of the site most interest you? All the MYO ideas!
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      Food eating in and dining out
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? New ways to use what I already have at home.

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc? No, I’m still in the discovery process

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions? Gift Cards!

    • #442183

      @Budget101 323053 wrote:

      These challenge questions have been really eye opening and we’re learning a lot, but alas, we want to know about you and what you want! this lucky random winner(s) from this challenge will receive a choice of a Super Laundry Sauce kit or a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
      we’re making this one a little more challenging! in order to enter this challenge, you must answer all of the challenge questions:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      So Who’s game to play?

      i am!! i am so game to play!

      so, what brought me here? your laundry sauce. saw a post on facebook, followed the link and then spent two and a half days reading all of the comments on that post. that post led me to the laundry sauce for dummies, 1 & 2.

      I naturally had to read all of those posts and then i was hooked. i had to look around. after quickly trolling through several areas, i was done.

      it was love at first sight and i never looked back. and here i am today.

      i love every place i have seen on this site so far, but the myo is rockin’ me because i am all about natural, making it yourself, saving money. i also love the crafts, gift ideas and holidays. cannot wait to delve deeper into those!

      after rent i would have to say we spend the most on transportation…. gas, insurance, car payment, upkeep. it’s the bane of my existence and i scheme everyday for ways to contain the blood flow from these costs.

      *sigh* tourniquets at best, to slow the drainage, but one day i hope to be completely free of them all and more dependent on public transportation. but right now, i can only long for that day in the future.

      i am really hoping to find a) friends and like minded soul mates, b) ways to do-it-myself and save!, and c) more fresh, natural, sustainable ways to live and interact in this homogenized, pasteurized, processed world we live in today.

      something i’ve been searching for…… you mean besides all of the above? how about true love?

      do you offer instructions for that on your site? 😆

      as for your ‘bonus question’, i love the idea of kits for the homemade household recipes suggested, such as the laundry sauce. half of my procrastination in doing these things is having to go out and find the items required. free money (as in gift cards) is always good, too.

      and in closing, let me just say i am soo glad to have found this site! i look forward to reading everything and doing even more! thank you so much for this site and for sucking me into it!

      cloud9  smilie

    • #442187

      @Budget101 323053 wrote:

      These challenge questions have been really eye opening and we’re learning a lot, but alas, we want to know about YOU and what YOU want! This lucky random winner(s) from this challenge will receive a choice of a Super Laundry Sauce kit or a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
      We’re making this one a little more challenging! In order to enter this Challenge, you must answer ALL of the Challenge Questions:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) A Facebook post on super laundry sauce.
      2. What areas of the site most interest you? Gardening, safe cleaning products to make, holiday crafts, gluten free recipes
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month? Food
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? Gluten free recipes the whole family will like, better ways to garden and preserve like drying, canning and freezing.
      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc? How to make a simple brick oven for the lanai.

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?
      Amazon gift cards are great.
      So Who’s game to play?

      I’m game let’s do it!

    • #442188

      Saw a posting on fb about the laundry detergent and joined.
      anything frugal interests me.
      utilities are my biggest expense.
      how to save money on holiday expenses.
      recipes, crafts, and dyi.
      i am new so just finding out what some of the prizes that are offered. great idea. gift cards are nice.

    • #442193

      1 . I found the site by doing a search on kindle for books on budget. After previewing the book I went looking for the web site

      I love the recipes and love the MYO ones I also love the menu plan it is really helping me get the hang of it
      3. Insurance, insurance, insurance, and more insurance
      4. How to make more items and buy less.

      (Started with the bisquick recipe and I have gone on from there) I think 5 pounds for flour lasted me a year till I found your site. Now I find myself needing to pick some up every few weeks
      5. Haven’t been search for anything special.

      There is already so much on this site I want to do/make that I haven’t needed to search much. If anything maybe a little more freezers cooking ideas that have been tested out.
      bonus… anything for the kitchen.

    • #442194

      @Budget101 323053 wrote:

      These challenge questions have been really eye opening and we’re learning a lot, but alas, we want to know about you and what you want! this lucky random winner(s) from this challenge will receive a choice of a Super Laundry Sauce kit or a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
      we’re making this one a little more challenging! in order to enter this challenge, you must answer all of the challenge questions:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      So Who’s game to play?

      1. I must confess I’ve been here so long I have no clue how I found you originally!
      2. I like browsing some of the topics but my favorite place is reading the blogs.

      Gas and food, insurance.
      4. I love getting ideas about food storage and making mixes up for my GF diet.
      5. I am always looking for cheap GF recipes.

      Most recipes are very adaptable.

      Bonus: Gift cards are always great!


    • #442199

      1. I saw the Mom’s Super Laundry Sauce on Facebook and came here to check it out…great to save that kind of money on laundry detergent!!
      2. Tips n Tricks and Recipes to share on my Facebook Skinny Fiber Support Group so I can get a lot of shares and followers on my page….plus I learn a lot from them as well and love it!

      Spend the most money on my horse then my grandson (don’t get him as much as I use to)
      4. Hope to learn/find lots of great ideas, DIY’s, recipes and would love to learn to be an extreme couponer to save money.

      Would love to find a recipe we had at Christmas one time brought by someone that was a several layer strawberry and whipped creme dessert my husband loved (didn’t eat it so not sure what all was in it)
      Bonus: Love most any type prize, interested in getting that Super Laundry Sauce and maybe some of the small kitchen appliances like what have been given away before and the gift card is always nice!

      money1 smilie

    • #442204

      1. My mom suggested the super laundry sauce she saw on facebook to try to get out the diesel from my husband’s clothes. Haven’t tried it yet, but I’m very hopeful!

      2. I am most interested in saving money on grocery budget. I’ve always been fantastic about keeping our family fed and clean with only house and school loans and a meager salary from my husband.

      He works hard, and I stay home with the kids because that is important to me. The Make your own things are exciting to me, and the meal planning and saving.

      3. We spend the most money on groceries, actually more than our house payment. I’ve just been sickened with how much our grocery bills have grown, but without getting more food or items.

      4. I hope to learn and find ways to actually lower our spending. We have school loans to pay off, and I’d like to get those gone quickly and be able to save money for our kids and our future, and just in case things like car repair.

      5. I have been wondering if there are more ways to lower our electric bill. Even in the summer with no a/c it’s in the $80s.

      I’m out of further ideas. I’ve found lots of myo recipes, meals plans, and discussions about foodsavers that I’ve enjoyed and am excited to try! Thanks so much for putting this site together!

      Awesome resource!

      6. I’m excited about the laundry soap ingredient prize. We go 45 miles to get to the stores, so I haven’t gone in since finding the site actually.

      So ingredients for tried and true myo recipes is good for me. Although, an amazon gift card would be nice to go toward a foodsaver.

    • #442205

      1. A friend forwarded a link to your whipped laundry sauce recipe, and I was interested in the rest of your site.
      2. DIY, budgeting, tips and tricks.

      4. Tips / new ideas to implement into homemaking.
      5. DIY dishwasher detergent.
      Bonus: The Amazon $ sounds great!

      (That’s usually my favorite birthday gift.) Neutral candles, cookbooks, Etsy giftcard or anything practical for the home would be nice, too.

    • #442212

      @Budget101 323053 wrote:

      These challenge questions have been really eye opening and we’re learning a lot, but alas, we want to know about you and what you want! this lucky random winner(s) from this challenge will receive a choice of a Super Laundry Sauce kit or a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
      we’re making this one a little more challenging! in order to enter this challenge, you must answer all of the challenge questions:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      So Who’s game to play?

      someone on facebook listed you
      interested in recipes and anything that can save me money
      spend most on gas
      love to make natural cleaning items and good for you recipes
      best ways to clean spots on carpet from chewing tobacco

    • #442213
      Becca Sue

      1. A friend posted the super laundry sauce and i followed the link
      2. Cooking, diy projects, gardening, saving my hard-earned money.

      Utility bills
      4. creative ways to save money

    • #442275

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) –

      Joined for help with coupons

      2. What areas of the site most interest you?

      finding ways to save money without being forced to use coupons

      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      Groceries, kids

      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Ways to save money on food, kids care/ lunches, school supplies, etc I also love the homemade/myo recipes for deodorants, herbal spa type recipes, homemade cosmetics

      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      More herbal remedies, essential oil recipes, etc

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      Laundry Sauce Kit sounds fabulous! multistars smilie

    • #442215

      1. My daughter sent me the link as she thought I would enjoy it.
      2. All really as I’m not sure what and how to get into every thing on here as new to the site

      food, heating and gas for the vehicles.
      4. There are so many things to learn on here and first is how to figure out what I’m supposed to do and how to get into
      5. I love looking at recipes and craft projects.

      But I’m finding out there are so many thinks to check out and just
      learning how to do it.
      I would be happy with what ever I won as I think that would be great.

    • #442216

      1: The government furlough brought me here lol. Found this website will looking for $10 meals on pinterest. 2: I love the entire site so far but the part I have visited the most is the garden link. Next to that is the recipes link.

      I have also been working my way through the money matters link (OMG the scandal of tricky food packaging!!) 3: Food!! 4: We have had a small scale garden for 4 years now and I am looking for ways to increase our crops and add new things to put on the table. I also want to get a better grip on the household budget (need emergency fund, eliminate debt, and save for future needs).

      5: I have been searching for ways to link up with people in my community to plant gardens and create a weekly swap night!

    • #442220

      I found the site through Pinterest. I am fairly new there but it is a fun site with lots of ideas.
      I like the cleaning solutions and low cost recipes.
      Next to the mortgage, groceries are probably the next biggest expense after the electric bill in the summer here in Texas.
      I hope to find better ways of doing things that also cost less.
      I haven’t really been searching for one thing in particular but the way things change so fast these days and prices going up, up, up I am always looking for new ideas and tips for saving money.

      For prizes, hmm, I need a food processor it seems. 🙂

    • #442226

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) I was a member of the Yahoo group for years before I realized there was a “site”.

      What areas of the site most interest you? All areas interest me, I like to share what I know and look up the stuff I do not know.
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      right now that would probably be fuel for tractors, lawn mowers and truck.
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? I learn new things all the time, but am looking for nothing in particular.

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc? Nope, just like helping people out — I like it when people ask for something (recipe, idea, etc.) and I can help them with an answer. I also enjoy being the unofficial Welcome Wagon for Budget 101 (I welcome everyone to the site as soon as I can).

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions? probably gift cards from amazon would be best for me.

      So Who’s game to play? I am!

      Thanks; Virginia

    • #442186

      I am new here to the site. I was clicking through coupon sites and doing searches for ideas and saving money. I am so happy I clicked on your link.

      When I first saw it I thought this would just be like the rest. I was so wrong! I may have found you by accident but I stayed because it is the best thing (other than my two new grandsons) that has come my way in a very long time. Your articles, threads and posts are full of stories and information that I have been digging for for several months.

      The more I dig into the site, the more I see that I am not alone in the world. It is so nice to know that there are others going through the same issues and challenges that I am. Posts like “How I lost 80 lbs” and “House living versus Condo living” are very helpful!

      I think the threads are really my favorite part of the site but I also love the tool bar with all the diy, mixes and ideas! I plan on having some fun this holiday season.

      Aside from rent and utilities, groceries and gifts are some of my biggest budget busters. Especially since I have 8 kids and 3 grandkids now! It always seems like there is a birthday or a holiday or a get together going on or someone is in need!

      We have struggled for two years while my husband worked his way back into a full time position (he started it this week). It is imperative that I not only learn how to budget better (and get hubbie on board) but I also have found that the site fills a need for me to be able to communicate with others of like minds. It was a coincidence that my new catch phrase (I use it as a code word that started about three weeks ago before I began the search for coupons and found this site)…

      Budget101…was your title but more than that I believe it was God leading me to answers and I have found many answers to questions I have been pondering…like:
      How do I make my own laundry soap that will clean the clothes too? or Is it really cheaper to buy one product over another? or What can I make for Christmas gifts this year?

      and Where can I get good buys on the foods we eat?

      It blew me away that this site, and the people that are here, have the answers. I love the challenges and I would be thrilled to win a Laundry mix or cooking tools, or even a card that says you won! But most of all I enjoy playing these games because it is FUN!

      and that is what kept me coming back and making you the only site that I bookmarked in the tool bar. Thanks for being here and for making me believe again. (I truly had given up hope on ever getting my Budget under control again.) I was looking to learn how to budget, and I called my challenge class time for Budget 101.

      You truly are the education that I needed to find. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

    • #442227
      Talia Baker

      1) what brought me here? I saw a post on Facebook for the laundry sauce. I have been looking for more natural cleaning recipes, not to mention cheaper, and fell in love with the things I’ve found.

      2) what do we spend the most on besides mortgage/rent? It would be a close call between cell phone and feed.

      3)what do I hope to find/learn? Natural cleaning recipes, anything that is frugal and many more ideas I can’t wait to find!!

      4) is there something I’ve been searching for? Essential oil use in cleaning product recipes, money saving ideas, yummy recipes any and everything!

    • #442229

      1. I shared a forward regarding the Super Laundry Sauce – clicked on the link at the bottom (in fact it is setting on my counter upside down right now);
      2. I am new so I am still exploring but anything that saves me money is game!

      I spend most of my money on groceries and incidentals (I have 5 small grandchildren that live with me ages 8, 7, 5, 4, and a specials needs 2.5 y/o;
      4. I need to be more frugal and use the money I have to get more bang for the buck , so to speak!
      5. I am always looking for something new and challenging – in fact something that the kids might enjoy making with grammy like play dough etc.

      so I browse
      to see what I might want to try next.

      BONUS – I am new here so I would like to get the random prize that showcases one of the items posted and tried here.

    • #442230

      I started reading Budget 101 in 2012, when I knew it was going to be a real struggle to pay our bills. I found the site when I searched for Make a Mix Recipes (I found a wonderful out of print book on making all sorts of mixes from scratch – the problem was that it was outdated and some of the ingredients are no longer in grocery stores) Being able to make my own mixes gave me the convenience of a mix without having to pay for it.

      There was also the fitness site and the Groceries on $50/ week and slowly I began shedding the weight I had gained as a result of prednisone treatment a couple of years earlier. I was able to pull our spending in line with our income and that took a lot of pressure off both me and my husband.

      The areas of the site that interest me the most now are the recalls, especially recalls for high dollar items such as cars. In 2011 we paid over $2,000 out of pocket to repair our Malibu for a problem that was caused by a recalled part. We did not know about the recall and the Chevrolet Dealer in our town would not admit that the recall existed.

      I can’t tell you how important it is to get the word out on recalls – to avoid illness, injury, financial hardship and even death we have to know when a product is dangerous. I also love the household recipes section and the freebies, both have saved me tons of money, and the freebies has provided free treats and entertainment that would otherwise be outside our budget.

      The best thing about Budget 101 is it is always evolving, improving and adding new categories. I tend to be a learning junkie, I love learning and can’t imagine ever no being excited about new things (of course it annoys some people – or so I’ve learned O/! Every time I think of something new I’d like to find here, it shows up.

      I’m on the site almost everyday.

      I love that there are Amazon Gift cards as prizes for the challenges, I would also like to see subscriptions to magazines like Hobby Farm, Mother Earth News, Grit, and similar periodicals.

      Budget 101 continues to amaze me. Thanks B101 for everything!

    • #442232


      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) I found this website through pintrest a few weeks ago and have been back almost daily ever since

      What areas of the site most interest you? Every day i am findig more and more things that I love about this site. Am working towards $50 weekly have invested in mason jars and food saver for oatmeal breakfasts and jar salads for next month, loving tthe quick easy and dirt cheap recipes, have made super laundry detergent and am really considering the no poo shampoo and conditioner, (just can’t wrap my head around smelling vinegar in my super log hair all day)

      Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month? Gas!!! We live in a very rural area where work for me is a 1/2 hour away and a hour away for my hubby, and Ijust quit working to return to school, thre program I got into in an hour away so, well there ya go!

      What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? Initially how to get the best bang for my grocery buck, now, just how to make effective household proucts and foods using more natural ingredients.
      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      I want to build a chicken coop and start raising hens for eggs, but hae no clue where to get started eve as far as building the coupe.. My goal is to save enough money by spring, possibly invest some tax return money in that area. Also want to start a garden to lower grocery costs, but not really green thumbed.

      I livee in N carolina and would love to know when to plant items and how much water, light they need. Maybe something similar to your whats on sale this month?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions
      I liked the chance to win a inner at a locl restraunt on yesterdays challenge as hubby. And I almost never go out solo on dates to eat, unless of course I kidnap him at lunch. I also like Amazon gift cards since I’ve recently become a prime member I’m finding i cn save money by having certain items shipped straight to my door.

    • #442233

      1. Face Book,
      4. How do be less dependant on merchants for daily supplies.

      Homemade wallpaper paste.

    • #442234

      1- Facebook had an ad for the super laundry sauce. Once I checked it out, I was very impressed.
      2- the ability to make household cleaning items and health and beauty items
      3- Food and gas
      4- Ways to use more natural and safer options to replace all the chemicals in our current cleaners and health and beauty items. And, of course, saving money 🙂
      5- I would like to find a good bath soap recipe.
      6- I like Amazon gift cards, but would also like surprise gifts too.

    • #442237

      @Budget101 323053 wrote:

      These challenge questions have been really eye opening and we’re learning a lot, but alas, we want to know about you and what you want! this lucky random winner(s) from this challenge will receive a choice of a Super Laundry Sauce kit or a $25 Amazon Gift Card.
      we’re making this one a little more challenging! in order to enter this challenge, you must answer all of the challenge questions:

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      So Who’s game to play?

      1. I’ve been a member for like ever. So I don’t remember how I first found you.

      3. Electricity.
      4. How to save money.

      More yummy diet stuff.

      Bonus. You can’t go wrong with Amazon cards. 🙂

    • #442126
      Melissa Burnell

      Wow, what a great response! I’d love to respond to each and every one that posted, but since dh is waiting on me to call it a night, I’m going to try to touch base on a few while I have a minute…

      @HaleighBaleigh 323061 wrote:

      I would like to find a dishwasher detergent that actually works now and maybe some liquid dish soap!

      What a coincidence, I’ve been working on adding one to the site, it’s called AwesomeSauce and it is! It’s a Chemical Free, all natural automatic Dishwasher Detergent: – – Mom’s Super Dishwasher Sauce | Homemade Super Concentrated Dishwasher Detergent | MYO Liquid Dishwasher Soap

      @Summerlotus1965 323177 wrote:

      the diy things, weight loss, and budgeting are my first stops.
      5. I would love some ideas for healthy skin care products, weight and diabetes control ideas, recipes for dishwasher cleaner (mine doesn’t work well).

      Weight Loss – try this thread, it worked for me and is my personal story of losing 100 lbs or so… – – Fitness for Life- Deep Dark Secrets | New Years Resolutions

      Diabetes- try the Dietary Concerns forum here:
      Dietary Concern Recipes

      Dishwasher Detergent- right here: – – Mom’s Super Dishwasher Sauce | Homemade Super Concentrated Dishwasher Detergent | MYO Liquid Dishwasher Soap

      @KylaC 323296 wrote:

      5. DIY dishwasher detergent.

      Gotcha Covered, see above!

      @Mommybott 323103 wrote:

      3. Groceries and pool chemicals..

      Grocery help is sitewide, but try this for pool chemicals…. – – Saving Tips: Making your Own Pool Chemicals

      @jkpjohnson 323143 wrote:

      4) I like the Craft & Holiday sections, get great ideas, just wish people would post more pictures of the items.

      I will definitely keep that in mind when adding new crafts, which I hope to hit hard in the coming weeks.

      @alclarke0702 323171 wrote:

      4) Good ice cream reccipes

      We actually have quite a few delicious tried and true ice cream recipes here on the site and on our sister site .- here’s a link to get you started

      @MrngGlory 323243 wrote:

      Something I’ve been searching for…… you mean besides all of the above? How about True Love? Do you offer instructions for that on your site?

      Hehe, I don’t know.. we do have a few eligible bachelors here on the site . . .

      @CompuPro57 323286 wrote:

      5. Would love to find a recipe we had at Christmas one time brought by someone that was a several layer strawberry and whipped creme dessert my husband loved (didn’t eat it so not sure what all was in it)

      Do you recall anything else about the dessert? What type of layers, any distinct texture, crunch, solid layer, gel-like layer, etc? Anything at all? Also, what area/location where you when you had it? Many dishes are regional…

      @Ketsyc 323382 wrote:

      I am new here to the site. I was clicking through coupon sites and doing searches for ideas and saving money. I am so happy I clicked on your link. When I first saw it I thought this would just be like the rest. I was so wrong! I may have found you by accident but I stayed because it is the best thing (other than my two new grandsons) that has come my way in a very long time.

      Thank you so much for the kind words, I’m glad you’re enjoying the site & I hope it’s helpful. That was my goal when I initially created it, to help as many people as possible.

      @jrodgers 323396 wrote:

      Budget 101 continues to amaze me. Thanks B101 for everything!

      Thank you hon for all of your contributions to the site, especially the recalls, which is an area I have a tendency to .. forget about at times.

      I know that I only touched on a few of the responses here on the site and I apologize for that, I’ll be adding more as soon as I can. Thank you to everyone who participated, we’ll draw a winner in the morn from all the entries! mornincoffee smilie

    • #442239

      @Liss 323427 wrote:

      Diabetes- try the Dietary Concerns forum here:
      Dietary Concern Recipes

      don’t forget about this one too:
      Diabetic Recipes & Supplies, etc

    • #442282
      Melissa Burnell

      Congratulations to HerbalStore, our randomly selected winner. She opted for a Super Laundry Sauce Kit! It will be shipped out in about an hour!

      Thank you all for taking the challenge and we welcome you to try the next one!

    • #443357

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)
      I was looking for recipe to make laundry soap and found 101

      What areas of the site most interest you?
      myo i have made so many of them already.
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?
      MEDICINES & Health care
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?
      about everything.

      Looking for a biz 101 next.
      I think I am ready to open my biz, but need a 101 checklist.
      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

    • #443593

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?) A friend forwarded me the link.

      What areas of the site most interest you? Meals for $50 per week and the recipes for homemade soaps and cleaners
      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      cable/internet/home phone/cell phone
      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101? How to buy groceries and feed my family of 4 (3 males) on a budget of $50 per week, and other money saving techniques

      Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc? household cleaners (but I haven’t gotten that far on the site yet.

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

    • #443619

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)

      I found a pin for super laundry sauce on Pinterest.

      2. What areas of the site most interest you?

      The make your own detergents and the helpful hints that make my life easier.

      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      Groceries and household items

      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      I would like to learn how to get the most out of coupons. I would like to make friends in my area on this site if there are people from my area using the site

      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      A really good kids bubble mix

      Bonus: What kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      Something for my kids 🙂

    • #443627

      I’ll play!!

      1. What Brought you here? (aka how did you find the site?)
      i too followed a facebook link for the laundry sauce.

      2. What areas of the site most interest you?

      i like tips n tricks, mixes, frugal living and gardening.

      3. Aside from House/rent, What do you spend the most money on every month?

      without a doubt it’s my car loan; but that’s going to be going away very soon!


      4. What do you hope to learn/find here on Budget101?

      others like me who want to get the most for their buck. piggy bank

      5. Is there something you’ve been searching for, recipe, idea, etc?

      i always look for the myo and diy hints. and with grocery prices being ree-dick-u-los i’m really looking into more hints about stockpiling.

      maybe some free patterns or links to specials? :freeb:

      bonus: what kind of “prizes” would you like to be able to win on our challenge questions?

      being as i’m still fairly new to the site; i’m not sure of what types of prizes have been given in the past.. any of the myo kits would be grand in my mailbox!

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