My mom bought my daughter a doll at a yard sale that is about the size of a newborn baby. Look for a doll like this at yard sales and thrift shops. Go for a bald baby because the ones with the acrylic hair the hair gets matted and is very hard to fix. Then shop yard sales thrift shops etc for newborn baby size clothes you can get some adorable outfits often times for a dollar or less. Pick up a basket put a pillow in the basket place the baby dressed in a pretty outfit add some clothes and receiving blankets. Most of the neighborhood girls like playing dolls with my daughter because she has a small trunk full of these types of doll cothes etc. They like the babies are the size of real babies and over the years dd has collected quite a few outfits. Often she will take a few dollars here and there of her own money and shop the thrift shops for clothes for her babies. One of her dolls has a cloth body and often gets washed int he washing machine the other doll is all plastic and often gets washed in the sink. One more hint because of the size of these dolls you can use real bottles, pacis, etc. Often times real baby items are cheaper at yard sales and thrift shops than new doll versions. Of course for the pacifiers I get those at the dollar tree. Real cloth diaper covers the kind that have velcro make wonderful doll diapers.
Tracy in VA