I don’t know about outside, but I have one that can be kept in an
unheated garage. I bought it from Sears and it is one of the best
purchases I have made. It is upright and has two sections — the top
section can be used as a refrigerator or freezer! Of course I use both
sections for freezing, but it is nice, because you don’t have to open
the whole thing to get what you want, and I think that makes it more
I used to have a chest freezer for years. I loved it at first, but it
was so hard to find anything in it, and I finally decided I was too old
to stand on my head to get anything out of the bottom. It is so easy
to find things in the upright!
— In
Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, “goddesmos”
> here’s a question for ya…do they manufacture freezers that you can
> have outside? I’m serious!
> mos
> — In Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, “EXT-Armstrong, Charlotte A”
> wrote:
> >
> > No – it does not pay. Food looses quality faster with frost free.