Address to send expired coupons to military overseas

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Address to send expired coupons to military overseas

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    • #263390

      I have been looking for the address ever since I found out that the commissaries overseas was allowed to accept coupons for up to 6 months AFTER the coupon expired. Many bases have family support centers that collect coupons from people in the states and give them to the people who need them. Go to you can pick the base and find the address for the family support center.

      The address for the base we were at is, 35 mss/dpf, unit 5021, Box 30, apo ap
      this is a great way to see that all coupons can get used.
      just remember, they can not use store coupons. also, they can use internet coupons.
      websites for more information
      find an address at military spouse resource center – by country
      more information on the usage … on_use.cfm

      i know they would love all the help they can get!!!



      i have been looking around and researching to find some addresses and here are a few – also overseas military families can use coupons that have expired up to 6 months past the date:

      Family Services Program
      18 mss/dpf
      unit 5134, Box 80
      apo ap 96368-5134
      Osan, Korea

      39 mss/msf
      attn: family services
      unit 8790, Box 175
      apo ae 09824
      Iwakuni, Japan

      48 mss/dpf
      attn: coupon connection program
      unit 5200, Box 105
      apo ae 09464-0105
      Naples, Italy

      Family Support Center
      51st mss pacaf
      unit 2097
      apo ap 96278-2097
      Rota, Spain

      raf alconbury
      attn: family services
      423 abs/dpf
      apo ae 09470
      Alconbury, uk

      raf fairford
      attn: airman and family readiness center
      unit 4280
      apo ae 09456
      Fairford, UK


    • #399008

      Wonderful, Where I work we having been doing this for about 3 months. Some of the women there put a box by our time clock. We have several people in active duty.

    • #399013

      What a small way of saying thanks to the families of our military!
      Great idea!

    • #399030

      My husband is retired Army, and I remember how tight it was, just imagine now. I love this idea!! I hope we can all help!!

      Thanks dear friends!!!

    • #399090

      The website did not come up when I tried. I would love to send coupons…one of the doctors where I work is leaving this week for Iraq(army reserve) and this is a way I could support our military families..any suggestions on how to get the addresses?
      Sharon in NC

    • #399093

      Try that 🙂

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Address to send expired coupons to military overseas