Hi! I'm sorry about the tooth. But my sister had two teeth that had to come and she didn't go to the dentist and ended up in the emergency room.
Don't fool around with your teeth. You don't want an infection through your whole body. Go to your old dentist and make arrangements to pay on a monthly basis.
You need to take care of this. Nothing will stop your tooth from becoming worse unless you are seen by a doctor/dentist. Good Luck and let us know what happens.
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Candy <candy.program@gmail.com> wrote:
Check around and see if there's someone that will take you on a payment
plan, or a teaching dental school. Because it's more than likely infected
down to the bone you really need a dentist so you don't lose more than the
one tooth. I put it off for as long as I could too, but I ended up losing
all of my bottom teeth on that side because it ended up being the only way
to get all the infection out.
On 7/28/08, maria <
secretwindow-jd1@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I have a absessed tooth and the pain is getting unbareable to the point
> that I can't sleep good at night,I have tried Origel and Toothaid and